Another newbie (at 38)!

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Another newbie (at 38)!

#1 Post by Ant123 »

I’m soon to be joining the adult braces club. On Friday I went to the orthodontist for an initial consultation, Planning X-rays and moulds etc for next week, and hopefully getting ceramic self-litigating braces then later in the month.

I have a gap between my front teeth and a crossbite on both upper canines and never had braces as a child. I spoke to an ortho about 5 years ago but he said treatment time was at least 2 years so I didn’t go ahead as I was planning to move.

The new ortho says treatment time should be 12 to 18 months which was a big surprise. She said it’s because the technology has improved in recent years. I hope she’s right and not just saying that to get me in the door when it will be 2 years after all!!

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Re: Another newbie (at 38)!

#2 Post by clh5086 »

Hi! I'm new too, I'm almost 32 and have had my braces on since November. Ceramic (with metal on the back teeth) and looking at possible extractions for overjet. Good luck!

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