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I'm super excited and nervous since I'm getting wired this Wednesday. I have a bad bad TMJ problem so need to get them straight to then cover and literally regenerate all of my teeth.
It is so worth getting braces! I had ceramics upper and metal lower. They were on for two years. It sounds like a lot, but it went by really fast when I look back on it!
Good luck! I'm on my 3rd month of metal braces (about 2.5 years to go) and it's so worth it! In 3 months I've already noticed a HUGE difference in my teeth. Makes me wish I had done it sooner! (I'm 29)
Howdy. I'm well into treatment and remember that early on I had a wonky bite for quite awhile; slowly it improved. At this point in time into treatment (22 weeks and change), it almost feels right. I can sense that the bite still isn't quite right when I eat certain foods like grapes, melon, etc., as molars come together and squeak. The ortho projected a 24 month treatment plan and it wouldn't at all surprise me if it goes into overtime. Be patient, it'll come together nicely (pardon the pun).
Edited: Howdy. I'm well into treatment and remember that early on I had a wonky bite for quite awhile; slowly it improved. At this point in time into treatment (22 months and change), it almost feels right. I can sense that the bite still isn't quite right when I eat certain foods like grapes, melon, etc., as molars come together and squeak. The ortho projected a 24 month treatment plan and it wouldn't at all surprise me if it goes into overtime. Be patient, it'll come together nicely (pardon the pun).