Mixed consultations

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Mixed consultations

#1 Post by James12 »

Hi new here, names James, mid 30s. I have been wanting to get my teeth fixed for awhile. Had braces as a kid but never completed treatment. Had metal braces bottom, fixed upper expander and facemask (what a joy that was).

I still have upper crowding and still have an underbite. I got some consults for different places and got very different treatment plans.

One said they can fix everything with just metal braces and elastics. The other said they’d like to pretty much continue the previous treatment plan for best results.

The first one said expansion is impossible for adults but the second one said they do it all the time. And a third said the only way to fix the underbite was with jaw surgery.

I’m really confused by the extreme different opinions and wondered if anyone had first had advice?

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