Howdy from the Deep Deep Deep Deep South

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Howdy from the Deep Deep Deep Deep South

#1 Post by Shagers »

Been lurking for a while, and since I posted to frappr I thought I'd write something in here.

Let's see, about me:
* From Melbourne, Australia (we're not "down under", it's you Americans that are "up over" :twisted: )
* Male (last time I checked)
* 18 years old with 11 years experience :roll:
* Braced three months ago, with 18-24 months "in bars" depending on how things go.

Stuff I'm interested in includes Motor Sport (yep, still male), and making original stickers for the back window of my car (see Frappr for the FAQ inspired version :D )

I have a website, but it isn't finished yet.

I probably won't post much, just wanted to say that reading everybody's thoughts, advice etc. is very helpful. Good stuff!
Shagers - Braced Aug 05
Lipton Mr T - finally, a tea for the real man. I pity the coffee drinkin' fool.

Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:05 pm
Location: Melbourne, Australia

#2 Post by Shagers »

KK wrote:Hey Spragers
Spragers? Who's he?
KK wrote:I've got a concern ... If you consider Melbourne to be the ... Deep Deep Deep Deep South ... does that mean we Kiwi's are now from a place much higher?
Um, let's see, we're playing Uruguay to qualify for the Soccer World Cup, and you guys got beat, by, let's see, the Solomon Islands. Um, the answer to the above question is no. :)

Then again, you may be higher, last time I checked you do bowl overarm...

Ah, New Zealanders. Don't know much about them, except that I love asking New Zealand girls the time when the little hand is pointing south. :twisted:

By the way, you can have Russell Crowe back. If he was an Aussie he would have thrown the phone like a real man and really hurt the concierge. :)
KK wrote:Plus another thing ... motor sports is not JUST a male thing! Many of us females would leave you blokes at the watering hole when it comes to mechanics and drving! 8)
If they'd only give it go! There's not enough Danica Patrick's in this world. Mind you, if she can lay off sledging poor Flyin' Ryan for a bit it'd be nice.
KK wrote:Great to read things are going well for you! :thumbsup: Plus good luck with your website! Take care! :banana:
Ta muchly. I'm not an active poster by any means, but I think all the lurkers out there (I know you're there), at least should get on here and post once to let everybody who does post (including yourself) know that it's appreciated.[/b]
Shagers - Braced Aug 05
Lipton Mr T - finally, a tea for the real man. I pity the coffee drinkin' fool.

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Location: Illinois, USA

#3 Post by CelestialVoices »

Welcome to the board Shagers! :)

Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:05 pm
Location: Melbourne, Australia

#4 Post by Shagers »

KK wrote:Bro I'm so sorry about the typo :oops:
No dramas!
KK wrote:have to be totally honest with this one and admit to only watching the real game ... Rugby Union ... and of course that means the All Blacks who've been on a winning streak for quite some time ... not like the 'six (good Kiwi word) losses in a row' Aussie Team.
Ah Yes, the National Rugby team. You wouldn't even know they exist this week! Unfortunately Melbourne's not a rugby union city, especially after losing the new Super 14 franchise to Perth (which, IMO, was fair enough too given the popularity of Rugby in Perth and the crowded football market in Melbourne).

What our overseas friends don't realise when they talk about Football is that we play about four different codes of it at a professional league level in Australia. Then you get guys like Ben Graham punting for the New York Jets in the I AM A SPAMMER!!!!!...

If you're into sport, and from overseas, you really need to come to Melbourne for a time to understand how much sport is a part of the culture here. It's fantastic. Not many places in the world get a public holiday for a horse race!
KK wrote:So true ... that seems to be enjoyed by most people who live here. You can imagine the jokes when I told a group of people I'd recently met, when we moved to NSW, that my husband was building a six foot deck around our pool ... and it took me a little while to understand why so many laughed and a few just went a funny red colour and looked embarrassed! :oops: lol
bhahahahaha, ROFL! Classic!

To explain to people from the North, the New Zealand and Australian accent, while it sounds the same, is very different. New Zealanders often pronounce 'e' in a word the way an Australian would pronounce 'i' and vice versa. So "Six Foot Deck", becomes well, um, er... let's just say, a phrase of much amusement to all. :lol:

Have fun people.
Shagers - Braced Aug 05
Lipton Mr T - finally, a tea for the real man. I pity the coffee drinkin' fool.

Posts: 16
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Location: Georgia

#5 Post by GADonny »

ok, what kind of motorsports are you into?

" Sometimes the wounds that never heal are easiest to hide. "

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#6 Post by David »


Shall we talk about the rugby ...

or the league ...

or the netball ...

or the cricket?

No, forget the cricket, it was the Poms that beat you this time, not us Kiwis.

Shagers?? Being a kiwi the word "sheep" comes to mind. :lol:

Welcome to the board, mate ... we've got broad shoulders .. we'll forgive you for being an Aussie :wink:

Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:05 pm
Location: Melbourne, Australia

#7 Post by Shagers »

GADonny - let's see. Mostly Road racing and Rally. Formula 1, Indy Car (not watching much Champ Car at the moment, but I'll get back into again eventually), Rally, and the local stuff we get here, V8 Supercar (you may or may not have heard of this)... NASCAR's not my thing, primarily because there's no free-to-air TV coverage in .au.

David - Is there other sport on this week? You wouldn't know it with the World Cup Soccer playoff going on! As for the Sheep, you brought them up mate, I'm not even going there. :)

KK - "but we know for sure that us Kiwi's living in Australa do heaps for the IQ level of this country!". You do know it's not like golf, the aim is to get a big score not a little one? :twisted:

All good things that are from New Zealand are quickly forgotton about if they become good over here, says he listening to Finn Brothers, in a room with a picture of a McLaren Formula 1 car on my coffee table (hint:
Shagers - Braced Aug 05
Lipton Mr T - finally, a tea for the real man. I pity the coffee drinkin' fool.

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