I'm braced...kind of:)

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I'm braced...kind of:)

#1 Post by MsTiaLia »

Okay, I can finally exhale a little! This morning, the spacers came out and bands and brackets et. al. went on! They could only do my top teeth though :( I had some fillings 2 weeks ago and the very last tooth on the right back is still very sensitive. Since my spacers went in soon after the fillings, I haven't been able to really use the tooth much since it was filled. Anyhow, when they tried to put the band on, it hurt horribly with even the slightest pressure. And since I have a really bad overbite, they would have had to do something to my teeth to keep me from biting the bottom brackets off...not sure what the something was, but it involved putting a band on that back tooth. So we're going to wait until my next appointment to put braces on the bottom. Hopefully, that tooth will be fine by then. I rinsed with warm salt water this morning and it felt much better! If I had thought of that two weeks ago, I'd have a full mouth of braces now :oops:

Well, I got metal brackets on top with pink ligs. It looks okay, only my brackets are not centered on my front teeth. I think (or at least HOPE) it has something to do with the way he wants them to move, but it feels kind of funny. Other than that, I'm good!

Should I expect any pain in the next couple of hours or is this is what it is???


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#2 Post by Kell »

I'm glad to hear that things aren't too painful so far. I hope it stays that way for you.
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#3 Post by NotBob1 »

Hi MsTiaLia.
I had the remainder of mine put on this morning as well. Molar bands and archwires. Feels O.K., actually!

They were unable to do two of the eight molar bands due to tightness. Oh well. Next time.....I know my top arch is feeling pressure and I can only imagine how it is going to be tomorrow!

I hope things are going well for you! It is a bummer not getting it all in, I agree. It's nice to just get it over with. It's interesting about the brackets not being centered, I wonder if the teeth will shift and they will be centered???
Class III tendency, crossbite 10-23
Maxillary horizontal & 2mm deficiency for upper teeth
GAC In-Ovation R, metal. Now with upper & lower Hawleys 24 hrs.

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#4 Post by MsTiaLia »

Thanks KK

So far, today is a good day. The only pain I have experienced is when my bottom teeth hit one of my top two front teeth. It is the kind of pain that just makes you stop in your tracks. You don't scream or say anything, you just kind of sit there:) Other than that, I only feel tightness. I have found out why everyone on here is so fond of dental wax though! I got my first sore this morning :( And it is hard to tell which bracket or band or wire (or whatever) made the sore so I've got wax all over everything around it! LOL

The exciting thing is that I can already see movement! I thought I was feeling the effects of the Tylenol PM when I woke up this morning thinking my teeth had moved. But when I got to work, I looked at a picture that I had taken yesterday and I see a space on the side that was not there before. My upper arch is starting to look more like a wide "C" and less like a "U" Yeeeeaaaahhhh!!!!

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