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Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:04 pm
Location: North Carolina

hey everyone!

#1 Post by firefly »

Hey everyone! i'm new to this forum, and i am i the process of getting braces. i go in for my records weds. and should be in braces within the next month, depending on when i get my exractions.. grrr..(i'm excited about getting braces, but i hate the idea of getting extractions) at the age of 27 i never thought i would be getting braces even though i've known i've needed them since i was a child. i guess the easiest decision was deciding to get the braces. now i have a harder decision to make, whether i want to go full metal or ceramic on top, and metal on the bottom...maybe some of ya'll can help me decide... anyways, i hope you all reading this are having a great day :D

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#2 Post by OBG »

congrats on your decision. Metal or ceramic is always an interesting question. The answer generally lies with your economic status with orthodontist imput. My ortho perfered metal and they were also less expensive. A couple of social encounters made me question why I chose metal but in the long run I didn't mind the metal look.

Welcome to the club and enjoy the journey

Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:04 pm
Location: North Carolina

#3 Post by firefly »

thanks for the responses! :D
i am kinda leaning towards the ceramics. it's only $200. more. which is not bad compared to what other people i know have payed for them. but i love the look of metal braces. i feel if i get metal ones they might make people think i am alot younger than i really i am. people already think i'm 16..i'm also about to go job hunting, so i wonder what the impact braces would have, during interviews.. i feel like i'm making this decision alot harder than it really is.. i'm glad i have about a month to decide

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