Newbie here! Question

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Newbie here! Question

#1 Post by brandyshea »

Hi everyone, I'm new here. I went to the orthodontist a couple of days ago for a consultation. I've wanted to get braces for about ten years now, and I can just now afford it. Well, we really can't, but I'm 24 and I would like to get it done sooner than later.

I originally wanted invisalign, but after talking with the ortho, we decided on ceramic for the top and metal for the bottom. I'm going back in on Monday to discuss the treatment (I already got x-rays, pictures and molds done), and they said I might get them on that day.

Here's my question. It's time for me to have another cleaning at the dentist (last one was six months ago). I called and made an appointment with them on Wednesday. How vital is it that my teeth are cleaned before the brackets go on? In the past, the dentist has told me that I have very little plaque build up. I've gone for four years without going to the dentist and still had very little build up. Should I wait until after my cleaning on Wednesday to get the brackets on, or would it be a huge deal if they weren't cleaned before?

Thanks for reading, this is a great site! As weird as this sounds, I'm looking forward to getting braces!!
Getting braces at 24! What am I doing???

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#2 Post by Flora2006 »

Welcome to the board and congrats on taking the step to getting beautifully straight teeth!!!

For your question, I am not too sure if you should have the cleaning before or after...what I do know is that when you get your braces, your teeth will be sore for a few days...for some there is a lot of pain and for others there is almost none...So...your cleaning might hurt if you do it 2 days after getting the braces on...

Good luck and let us know what you will do :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#3 Post by **shinyhappybraceface** »

I would have them cleaned before the braces go on. Cleaning is a lot quicker and easier without the braces...for you and for the hygienist.
The future is no place to place your better days. ~DMB


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#4 Post by August1 »

I had my teeth cleaned shortly before getting my braces on. I agree that it's probably much easier, faster, and (possibly?) more thorough. Your orthodontist will probably tell you this, but it's also recommended that you go in more frequently for cleanings once you get braces. My ortho recommended 3x a year instead of the usual 2x.

Congrats on taking the plunge. I just got mine on a couple days ago, but I was really excited to get things going too. Good luck!

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