Braces on Nov. 17, 2004 It's an emotioral roller coaster

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Braces on Nov. 17, 2004 It's an emotioral roller coaster

#1 Post by teeth_runner »

Hi I am getting Braces on finally. November 17, 2004 is the date. Yahoo.
I am 32 years old - on November 8 and I have been wanting to get my teeth fixed for as long as I could remember. I have been told that I have a beautiful smike but had a small gap between my 2 front teeth and a crossbite on the left side that cause some spaces on the upper left. All this was disguised by bonding when I was 27 years old. And it was beautiful. But bonding does not last forever. It was time to change the I decided to get my nice teeth fixed - people say I have a really nice straight smile..but thanks to the bonding which hides some imperfections.
I got a consultation, the first ortho wanted my good erupted wisdom teeth removed because it makes it easier for treatment and he wanted to fix my overject by possible jaw surgery (which is not happening - more on that later). After losing nights of sleep over wisdom teeth removal and surgery and a long extensive 22 months or treatment. I got a second opinion with a well known ortho/pediontrist/surgeon. No wisdom teeth removal and no jaw surgery (there is no overjet - he believes there was a mix up in files with the first ortho). The treatement is 14 to 18 months and 2000$ cheaper. He is willing to work with me and remove the bonding slowl through treatment, unlike the first ortho who wanted to have it all removed at once. Best of all I feel so comfortable with him and with the staff. I could not believe that this day was going to come. I thought I was going to wear bonding all my life because I was not going to go through surgery. Now it's hear and coming up. I am excited but yet nervous about the pain people experience, the soar gums, cuts etc...any advice would be appreciated !!! :roll: :D :shock:

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#2 Post by Gracie »

I find your post interesting because I had several consultations before deciding on my ortho and chose him because he was least invasive. In fact, I had several follow up consultations with him because I had so many questions. He has extensive education and experience in dentistry, periodontics, and lab work. It always pays to get a second or third opinion because it seems every ortho has their own way of doing things.

Congratulations on making the decision.....Good luck with your treatment.

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#3 Post by Carolyn »

Happy Birthday Teeth_Runner!

I was very nervous about going through with having braces. I had to have two extractions and afterwards I kept thinking 'Oh my god, what have i done'. Now i have my brace on, i feel much more positive and glad I have finally done it.
I've had my braces on for 5 days now. First four days I had constant pain in my teeth, but general pain killers helped. Today has been pain free, have one ulcer on my cheek but thats nothing. My front teeth are also very sensitive, hence I have had severe difficulty eating so prepare yourself for a soft food diet. For me thats been the hardest thing so far, as I do love my food.

Good luck.

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#4 Post by Chris »

All I can say is the time in braces seems to fly by real quick. Ok, ask me again in 6 months. :lol:
Top Braces June 2004
Bottom Braces November 2004
Debanded January 2007

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#5 Post by teeth_runner »

Thanks Carolyn.

Chris how long are your braces on for?

Anybody have and good suggestions as to how to avoid soares, cuts...etc.
What pain killers work the best for teeth?

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#6 Post by Chris »

18 to 24 months. :roll:
Top Braces June 2004
Bottom Braces November 2004
Debanded January 2007

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:21 pm

#7 Post by teeth_runner »

14 to 18 months here...I hope 14 moths !
Do you need a permanent retainer after treatment?


#8 Post by Guest »

Hi teethrunner, I read in another message that someone had good luck with Rincinol - sold at CVS. Also, saw and ad for Cankermelts. Haven't had to use them yet as my braces go on in Dec. Good luck....

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#9 Post by Dottie »

I am 34 and I am getting braces on Nov 17th also! Maybe we can learn some helpful hints together.

Good Luck!
~~ Dottie ~~

A laugh is a smile that bursts!
Damon 3's ~ November 17th 2004

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me too!

#10 Post by mommak8 »

:D I'm 34 and just got braces today (the 16th!) So we 1970 babies are all in this together!

Braced 11/16/2004 Ceramic uppers, Metal lowers, one extraction. Serious midline discrepency, open bite, cross bite, crowding.

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