hi! i just got braces!

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hi! i just got braces!

#1 Post by claudia86 »

hi there! my name is claudia.
i'm from so cal.. where it's nice and warm. lol
i just got my braces like 4 days ago..
and they BUG!!!
they are soo uncomfortable..
especially the spacers or whatever they're called.
i can't stand when i have food between my teeth
and now i have to live with these things for a week..
well until monday..
and my bottom teeth HURT!
they're super sensitive.. i mean if i BARELY touch
them they start hurting a lot!
is that normal? i mean it's only been 4 days..
lol sorry i'm just ranting about these things.
it's just that this is completely new to me!
what happens when i kiss someone!?
are my braces going to cut their lip or something?
haha so many random questions!
i have an appt on monday.. the doctor said
that i have to use something that doesn't allow
my tongue to push foward when i swallow..
has anyone ever used this??
lol well i should go now.. since i practically
wrote like my whole life story..
thanks for reading and thanks for your imput! :D <3

Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:05 pm
Location: so cal, US

#2 Post by claudia86 »

well it's been 3 weeks since i got my braces...
i suppose that for most people the worst is over.
from what i had read before in these forums
the worst part was the spacers..
which were kinda like no big deal.
for the most part anyway...
the 1st few days it seems like i was never
going to get used to them
but so far so good...
well until today..
i had an ortho appt. to get my "appliance" in
and get my bottom spacers out because my teeth
didn't space out enough in one week..
so i'm sitting in the waiting room.. waiting obviously lol
and they call my name..
ehh you know the drill.. lol
when it was time for them to put my appliance in
i had my eyes closed
when everything was done and everything
and i rubbed my tongue against it and it felt weird..
but then i rubbed it against the top and i was all OW!! it HURT!!
my dentist was explaining to me what its supposed to do..
and i was like okay no big deal..
i get in my car and i look and i have SPIKES in my mouth..
it's been soo hard to talk..
all my "S" sounds like "SHH"
i guess it's just going to take me a while to get used to it.
it's no big deal but i can't stick out my tongue..
and it hurts everytime i forget i cant.. cuz it pokes it.
i'll post a pic.. well once i know how to lol.
wish me luck!

Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:05 pm
Location: so cal, US

7/25/05 update!! :)

#3 Post by claudia86 »

yay!! i finally have my tongue thrust spikes off!!
after having them for 4 months they are OFF! :D
in the beginning, it was really difficult to use them.
but as KK said.. it is there to help me!!
and it sure did! i don't push my tongue foward anymore! :)
when they took them off it was almost as if my tongue
was scared to move foward! i thought it was funny.

people's reation to my spikes were pretty interesting..
i was explaing to my manager something that had happened..
it took me about 5 minutes to explain..
and when i was done the only thing he said was "what do you have in your mouth!?" :-=
a lot of people actually thought it was some sort of a fashion trend,
or a piercing of some sort.
lets hope we don't see them on the next cover of Vogue magazine. haha :crazy:

my dentist told me now i have to wear elastic bands now.
i have to switch them 3 times a day, after every meal.
they're not so bad.
the first day, i did have a bit of discomfort but nothing too big.
i'm not 100% sure what they are for though.
but my best guess is that they're for my underbite. :?:
in the last few days i've mastered taking them off and putting new ones on. :dance:

in only 4 months, i have really started to notice a lot of changes
with my teeth. it really amazes me what little metal brakets and wires can do!!

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