A Big Thank You

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A Big Thank You

#1 Post by shaynesgirl »

Hello to all :D

Just writing to express my thanks to this community. You all (unknowingly of course) have helped transform my feelings towards my soon-to-be-braced status from feeling anxious and negative about the whole deal to feeling excited and happily looking forward to the day the braces go on.

I still have moments of uneasiness about having to present a "brace face" to the world, but having discovered this community last week (after setting my "brace date" for the 5th April) I just can't wait! It's such a relief to not worry about this anymore. I have needed and wanted to fix my teeth forever but could never afford it until now, at the age of 35, I will finally have my gaps/crowding/overbite treated.

I saw my orthodontist yesterday to have 8 spacers fitted (didn't waste much time snapping 2 of those an hour later after my too-enthusiastic chewing of the gum the orthodontist gave me!) Only my kids and partner know I am soon to be braced. I'm not comfortable to tell anyone else, as I can imagine everyone then proceeding to surrepititously check out my teeth to see how bad they really are! I am getting used to the spacers today, I have read a few posts on here which talk about how awful and painful they are so I was anticipating a bad experience. The worst was yesterday when I kept wanting to rip them out or chew them down to nothing. Today is better.

This community is great, the support and encouragement is awesome and you have all certainly helped me to realise that being braced (especially at my age) is a courageous and positive action to be taking, something to be proud of. So thank you! :D

Posts: 35
Joined: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:58 pm
Location: Australia

#2 Post by shaynesgirl »

Thank you Linda for your reply. It was good to see a few Aussies on here when I first discovered the board and I am looking forward to getting to know everyone a little better (not just the Aussies!)

Lately I've been staying up late way past my bedtime scrolling through posts detailing what to eat and not to eat with braces and how to deal with sores caused from the metal. I am not looking forward to that but armed with the knowledge I've already gained in just a short week I feel confident to cope with it all.

Thanks Linda for your welcome and kind wishes, you are a big part of the warmth this community radiates, which has kept me coming back over the last week. :)

Posts: 35
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Location: Australia

#3 Post by shaynesgirl »

Hi there KK, thank you for the welcome :D it's much appreciated.

I'm loving the advice I'm receiving off this board, it's been invaluable so far.

Yes I'm Aussie born-and-bred, however I have a special affinity with Kiwis as my partner is a Kiwi (part-Maori, part-Irish) so he's kind of a mix!
He's lived in Aus now for around 8 years. I absolutely adore him and he's been very supportive of my decision to be braced.

I woke up this morning and realised I only have 1 more day to go....
tomorrow is brace day :D Thanks to this board, I'm actually smiling about that!

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Location: Australia


#4 Post by shaynesgirl »

Okay this hurts, can I get off this ride now?

The inside of my mouth is at war with all the new (very costly) hardware it woke up with this morning! Luckily, I have a peacemaker in the form of dental wax...I've stocked up on it as I'm having trouble with those hooks/cleats poking out the side of my molar bands. Also, due to 2 of my spacers snapping off the day before brace day, there was not enough space around one of my lower molars for the band. So the spacers are back on around that particular tooth. My ortho decided to leave the wire to sort of "hang" there until that tooth is ready to be banded and I'm paying the price!

So the whole bracing procedure went quite well, I went home with my goody bag which included a new battery-powered toothbrush which I'd planned on buying myself (and now glad I didn't!) My 7 year old son is fascinated and keeps asking me to smile for him so he can marvel at the metal in my mouth. I went to have lunch with my boyfriend and he told me "you look beautiful today" God bless him. One of the mums at my son's school said "good on you" when I told her I had been braced the day before. So far, mentally, I am feeling GREAT about doing this (physically, not so great)

I have been taking photos to record this for posterity and hoping I will soon have the courage to post some pics. Thanks to all on here who helped me walk into that ortho's office feeling confident and purposeful, I'm smiling heaps more with braces on than without (even though it hurts a whole lot more than before!)
35 yr-old mother of 2
Braced 5/4/06
Ceramic Uppers
Metal Lowers

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Location: Australia

#5 Post by shaynesgirl »

Hi again KK! I think I feel better already, (but that maybe just the wine talking!)

Seriously, the salt-water rinse is a godsend, I plan on doing that every night, it helped me go off to sleep last night, slept like a baby.

The spacers, I can't even feel those anymore, what are spacers? Let me tell you all about molar bands...... :cry:
35 yr-old mother of 2
Braced 5/4/06
Ceramic Uppers
Metal Lowers

Posts: 35
Joined: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:58 pm
Location: Australia

#6 Post by shaynesgirl »

Hi bracedagain :D

I will post the pics soon I promise. Thanks for the message, it's awesome the way everyone on here has nothing but support for eachother :D
35 yr-old mother of 2
Braced 5/4/06
Ceramic Uppers
Metal Lowers

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