New to the site and excited to get my braces!!!!

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New to the site and excited to get my braces!!!!

#1 Post by pedouard »

Hello All!
I get my braces on April 28th (two days before my b-day) I am really excited I guess I can say it is a b-day gift to myself! I'll tell you guys a little about my self I am 20 years old, married,(I know I'm young) and I live in Illinois. I have been self conscious about my teeth since the end of middle school. By the way my problem is a huge space in the front two teeth. I am extremely excited about this procedure, I know there will be a lot of pain, but I hope it will be all worth it in the end. I have read all the message boards and I think I am ready for this. I have my extra strength ibprofen, lots of dental wax, special toothbrush and toothpaste, and my chapstick. If anyone has anymore suggestions please inform me. Well I wish everyone goodluck and goodteeth (lol) :D
having braces is a huge step, feel proud of yourself that you took this step to better your self!!!!!

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#2 Post by Flora2006 »


I am very glad to hear you are excited about getting your braces. About 2 more weeks. :lol:

You seem well prepared, don't forget to rinse at least once a day with warm salt will make your mouth feel better. Put lots of lip balm the day you get your braces.

As for the pain, it depends for everyone. I experience some kind of soreness almost every day but I've never been in any real pain. We'll see once I get my lower braces on (so far I only have my top ones but am getting lower ones on May 1st).

Good luck and welcome to the board :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#3 Post by missingu »

Not everyone has pain, but it seems like you have a good attitude that if you do, you'll get through.

If you want to "zone out" during the banding/bracketing appointment, since it can get long, some people bring an Ipod or portable CD player to listen to music to pass the time.

Be sure to go to the bathroom right before your appointment so "nature" won't call in the middle of things.

In case you do get sore, be sure to have checked out the link which lists good things to eat when your teeth are sore, and stock up in advance. No fun going to the store and seeing the things you can't have!

Are you getting spacers? If so, when?

Keep us posted.

Posts: 20
Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:28 pm
Location: Illinois

#4 Post by pedouard »

Thanks everyone for the great advice, very appreciated!! Good luck to you all on your progress!!
having braces is a huge step, feel proud of yourself that you took this step to better your self!!!!!

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