Breaking the silence (serious topic)

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Breaking the silence (serious topic)

#1 Post by missingu »

In the best of all worlds, people grow up with positive experiences with dentists, orthodontists, doctors or similar “healthâ€

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#2 Post by psych1985 »

I think you have brought a very valid point up. Hopefully the orthodontist and any health care professional you choose communicates. If you don't trust find another professional to go to.

I can sympathize as I also am a survivor. The way I have dealt with it was finding a path that led me to the truth__IT'S NOT MY FAULT. Once this realization was in place recovery was in place and I am no longer a victim. This has impacted my life in many ways. Fortunately I have learned to trust and am able to share my experience in order to let others see that recovery from CSA is possible.

May all those who have had this experience out there find what it takes to become whole and healthy people. It wasn't your fault and you didn't have a choice in the matter. Healing is possible.

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#3 Post by Hils »

Missingu thank you for posting this. Without going into detail I am currently helping my step daughter with investigations with the Police. She is now a young adult but has had an absolute fear of dentists since the age of 3. She says she doesn't know why. I wonder if you will have helped her solve this problem.

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#4 Post by SHORTIN1 »

I was somewhat surpised, but not shocked to see such a serious matter on this sight. As with all serious subjects this is always difficult to acknowledge and even more difficult to talk about. Thanks goodness such things are no longer "family secrets".
The only thing I know for sure is there is no such thing as being too careful or too protective of our children.

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