32 and finally ready....I think!!

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32 and finally ready....I think!!

#1 Post by Grin&bareit73 »

I'm 32 and getting braced for the first time on 4-24 and really excited but nervous. My whole life people made fun of me for the gaps in my teeth ("hey, do you floss with a two by four..hahaha", etc.). Even my last boyfriend used to make fun of me when i laughed by making a rabbit face. I got rid of him, and made the decision to get rid of my gaps too!
I couldn't get them sooner because I had to get laser surgery on my gums which were a mess because with all the gaps I would get deep pockets. My perio finally gave me the ok, so now I'll be getting Damon 3's for about 20 months, or so my ortho says. But he is wonderful, i absolutely love him and the whole staff, they make me feel very comfortable.
I read posts on here everyday, trying to get myself ready...!
There seems to be great people on here, can't wait to share some pics and let everyone know how it goes!! [/quote]

"Smile; if you can't lift the corners, let the middle sag..."

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#2 Post by missingu »

It sounds like you worked really hard to get to the point of getting braces, so let's hope all continues well.

I cannot believe people would tease you about having a gap between your teeth - that just sounds so mean and childish. Pretty soon when you have beautiful teeth, they'll be regretting ever teasing you.

Welcome and I hope the bracing goes well.

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#3 Post by x3trinity »

Hello and welcome to the Board!!

I used to get teased about my teeth also when I was younger so I completely understand how you feel. But pretty soon you will have beautiful straight teeth so look toward the future and smile :BigTeethGrin:

Looking forward to reading about your progrees and looking at your pictures, congratulations on this taking this big step!


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#4 Post by Grin&bareit73 »

Thank you so much for the support missingu, KK and x3trinity!!!

This board has been simply amazing with helping me have the courage to finally do something for myself that was so overdue. My family and friends are very supportive but I feel as though all of you are my own little cheering section.

I still have another 5 days before the big B-day so i've been eating every chewy, crunchy and gooey thing in sight..LOL

Someone suggested I use sensitive toothpaste at least a week before I get braced- has anyone else heard of doing this?

As soon as I figure out how I will post some pics in the other section..maybe they will help encourage others although they are embarrassing to me!!

"Smile; if you can't lift the corners, let the middle sag..."

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#5 Post by x3trinity »

You are so welcome Grin&Barit73!

I agree with you, this is a wonderful board. Everyone gives you so much support. My husband had braces in high school, and his support is good, I mean he understands but it does not compare to this board. You can ask a question about your braces and somebody will answer you. I have learned things on this board about my braces that my husband didn't tell me b/c his situation was different from mine. For example, he didn't have to have any extractions and I did. He didn't need surgery and I did.....see my point??

So once again welcome to this board and I hope you like as much as I do. If you have any questions just ask, someone can relate and they will answer back. (Especially KK, I just love her! :D

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People don't realize how they can hurt.

#6 Post by psych1985 »

I can only imagine how you felt being teased. Keep up a good outlook. You will have straight wonderful teeth when this is over and unfortunately they will still be jerks.

I was also told to use toothpaste for sensitive teeth but had been using it alot anyway. Although I hate the taste of salt, I think the suggestions to rinse with salt water was pretty good. It will toughen up the inside of your mouth.

Good luck on brace day. I found the banding didn't hurt a bit. The only bad part was that my mouth was so dry from being open and them drying my teeth constantly.

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#7 Post by Grin&bareit73 »

Thanks for the tip rage31, I'm going to start with the saltwater rinses tonight to get myself ready.

I've been using the Sensodyne toothpaste but for some reason the taste is enough to kill me and I can't handle it in the morning, so I only use it at night, and my Colgate during the day.

x3trinity, I agree with you KK is great, she's like the board Mother to all of us :) . So far all of my questions have been answered, everyone is so helpful.

Psych1985, thanks for the support. You were saying that unfort. those people will always be jerks, and you're right. It's like that old adage: the best way to judge a person is not by what people say about him, but what he says about other people. Hopefully I said that right.. :?

"Smile; if you can't lift the corners, let the middle sag..."

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