Introduce yourself, say a few words, show us your website, etc. Include detailed personal information at your own risk. This board takes no responsibility for contact that results from you posting your personal information. Fetish postings, and detailed information regarding readers under age 18 will be removed promptly.
Hey there!
I'm Pickleweezle (well... here I'm Pickleweezlel because of something with registering). Anyway, I'm 18 years old, I live in Belgium, and I'm in my seventh month of orthodontic treatment (September). I'm in full metal braces.
I had a slight overbite and two rotated teeth. I was told I would have to wear braces for 12 months.
I also have a website about my experiences with braces and pictures:
not to intrude on your show, but one of hte features of phpBB is that the admin can change usernames, I'm sure a correction to your name is only a click away
First, I want alternating black and red. Then maybe orange and black for Halloween. We'll see after that. I'm having a lot of fun with this site, the lig colour selector.