Still getting used to this

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Still getting used to this

#1 Post by calbert1119 »

Hi my name is Candy, I am 20 years old and have had braces for just about a month now. I originally thought I would only need braces on my bottom teeth, but once I got in to the orthodontist I came out with a mouth full. I chose the traditional silver thinking I had no one to impress and wouldnt you know, the day before I got them on my then husband decided it would be a good idea for us to get divorced :x If I would have known that I would have chose the clear brackets... I am still getting used to them, I hated them at first, but hopefully time will go by fast. So far I havent had any problems, which I feel very lucky for. I am trying to not let them define me and try to smile more. When I first had them I was constantly covering my mouth when I laughed or talked. I even tried to figure out a way that I could smile but not show my braces, which did not work out too well. So here is hoping time will fly and I will find a new smile or peace with the one I have thats borrowed for the next year and a half :D

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#2 Post by psych1985 »

I guess age does matter. I have had my braces for 6 weeks now and smile big every day. I smile more now than I did before. I think Kiwi is right when she says that your reaction is reflected back to you. I also chose the silver brackets and even though they are more noticeable, I use it as a conversation starter. When I'm smiling really big, it's hard for anyone to make the braces a negative without making themself look like a jerk.

As your teeth get straighter so will your outlook on life. The timing was unfortunate, but hang in there.

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#3 Post by Joanna20 »

Hey, I'm also 20 years old and I just got lower braces (uppers coming next week) :? I'm also completly single which is scary at this point, but I guess that if I find a b/f while on braces he'll like me for what I am, not what I look like - which was often the problem before I was braced.
I actually think it's kind of cool to feel "ugly", I guess now I can work out my personality a bit more, try and be a bit more outgoing, more social! And for me braces also bring other good stuff: Like saving money (going out less = spending less) and dedicate my time to study - entered Uni. in 2005.
I guess at this point we have to think only about the good things... We should think about how many people would love to do this treatment and can't afford it. There's people with such messy teeth out there... :(
But anyways, hang in there and you'll see that you'll be fine!!! Whatever has to happen is going to happen and if u have to meet the man of ur dreams in braces you surely will!
Smile a lot :D After you're done no one will resist the smile :P
Take care and best of luck!



Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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