Aussie newbie.... needing a little help..

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#16 Post by lionfish »

JumpTheDitch, I'm like you and went with my dentist's referral. And like you, so far so good.

Sounds like you're getting a good deal on the cost.

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#17 Post by Chantel »

Great to hear the amount of Aussie's on here! It's always good to hear other people's stories and compare the price of things in different states.

Like I said in earlier posts I'm expecting to pay anywhere from $5,000 up to $7,000 for my braces, as the orthodontist I'm seeing is directly in the city, but I could be completely shocked when I go for my consultation, so I'm not going to get my hopes up for anything just yet.

I'm starting to get a little anxious about going, and have thought about cancelling the appointments on more than one occasion, but I've got to stick to my guns and get it over and done with, otherwise it'll never happen :) only 13 days to go :)


14th March - Spacers
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#18 Post by lionfish »

Hi Chantel,

I had no problem with going to the consult, because I knew that it wouldn't involve any commitment (I'm the ultimate procrastinator). Mind you, it did take me several decades to get another ortho opinion (I had previously seen an ortho when I was 18, but that's as far as that went).

If it's any comfort to you, I went through many periods of self doubt after I'd committed to treatment. I was, quite simply, terrified despite all the reassurance from this board. I needn't have worried.

Go ahead with the consults. They're not that invasive.

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#19 Post by Chantel »

Yep I'm going to stick to my guns, I'm trying not to look at my diary too much so I don't keep thinking about it! it's going to the back of my mind for the next 2 weeks :)

Oh also I forgot to mention, I'm going to the ortho that my dentist recommended as well, so hopefully he lives up to his word ;)


14th March - Spacers
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#20 Post by lionfish »

Those 13 days are going to fly. And it's good to stay busy both now and - if you decide to proceed - when treatment starts. It definitely takes your mind off your mouth!

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#21 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Yeah I've noticed that lionfish; I must say I was pleasantly surprised when other people mentioned their quotes. I was a bit concerned re price when my dentist initially referred me there; my ortho's in Malvern, which (as those of you who know Melbourne will probably know) is considered something of an 'old-moneyed' suburb. Let's just say real estate ain't cheap out there. It would have been $6000 had I gone with first molar extractions rather than second bicuspids as the treatment time would have been 2-2.5 yrs which seems to be about the standard. Since I wanted to go travelling overseas again though I wasn't keen on the 2-2.5 year sentence. I compromised.

Good luck with your bracing journey Chantel, I opted for all metal and apart from a scary moment of "what have I done??" when I first looked in the mirror, I haven't looked back. Here's to straight, healthy teeth! :thumbsup:




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#22 Post by Chantel »

Thanks so much guys, these comments are definately put my mind at ease.

I figure if I go to this initial consult I'll at least know what it's like so I'm not so scared next time, and if I don't like the sounds of the treatment/price/practice etc I will just go for another consult with a few others I have up my sleeve, there's no point committing if I don't feel comfortable right? :)


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#23 Post by lionfish »


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#24 Post by New2Braces »

Absolutely Chantel!! :thumbsup:

Love, Stace xox

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#25 Post by Chantel »

Okay guys,

tomorrow is the big day, I'm REALLY nervous, but I guess that' natural, no turning back now.

My appointment is at 9am, so I will fill you all in after I come back.

Wish me luck :)
Thanks again for all your support it really has pushed me into making the right decision, you guys are great ;)


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#26 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Chantel!

I'm in Armidale and my Ortho- Dr Lewis- is based in Sydney but flies up here monthly I think. I was really impressed with him at the consult and he was a big factor in my decision to go ahead.

The consult was $85 and the total treatment fee is $4230.00. (Down from $6000 my ortho told me, not sure why, but hey I'm not complaining!) They are very flexible with payment, and right now I am talking to the health fund, my parents (they are thinking a tax rebate might be in order so I'm waiting to hear what their accountant says) and the ortho to figure out the best payment plan.

I'm having metal uppers and lowers, and very happy with that. For some strange reason, ceramic braces just make me feel ill- maybe my friends with ceramics didn't do a good job of cleaning their braces after lunch? I don't know- but I want metal!

GOOD LUCK with your appointment. Before mine I felt silly and embarrassed but I walked out of the surgery feeling so positive and excited about deciding to go for it! Can't wait to hear how you go.

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#27 Post by lionfish »

I'm a bit late, but I hope everything went OK for you, Chantel.

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#28 Post by Chantel »

I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you guys about my consultation, but here I am now and I'm going to make up for it.

So I go to my appointment, and it was a little scary there were two other people in the waiting room, waiting to finalise their bills etc, and then I was called in, from here it all went so quickly, but very smoothly and professionally.

I sat down and spoke to Dr. Wasilewsky and he explained how braces work, what they look like and gave me a pamphlet and spoke a little more about why I want them and what I want to get out of having them.

I then sat in the dreaded dentist chair so he could have a look at my mouth. He said my problems aren't too big at all, My left incisor is pushed back between my canine and the next tooth (i didn't get specifics) and my bite isn't too bad (I do have a little bit of decay on my canine and on the back of my front teeth but I'm getting that fixed up at my local dentist before anymore treatment) he said i would need braces on both upper and lower and said I should only need them for 18 months as my case is very easy to fix.

He asked if I'd like to have a think about it or proceed with treatment and get records. I felt pleased with what he'd told me and just due to the cost and convenience of where he's located I went through with the records and got my moulds/photographs and x-rays done. I go in on August 2nd for my Spacers (as you can see in my signature) and then on August 9th for the braces.

I'm a little scared and hope I've done the right thing, the pricing plan they gave me was an estimate, (I will get an invoice in the mail and speak about it next time I go in) but it's something like this:
Overall cost = $6575, Initial Payment = $3075, Progress Payments = $700 x 5 (I'm guessing spaces over the period of time I have them) & for Ceramics on top it's an extra $672.

I guess it all seems a bit scary because it happened so quickly... Is it usual to wait over a month until you get your braces on (I understand he is quite busy) I just hope I don't have to wait long periods to get checked up and tightened, and when you guys go for checkups/tightening does the main orthodontist see you everytime? does it matter if his assistant does it?. I really should have thought about it, but I'd waited so long to get the consultation I thought I might as well get records. Oh god I hope I didn't make a bad decision! please tell me I didn't.... Sorry for the rambling


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#29 Post by ironyengine »

Sounds like you're making the right decision Chantel! Good luck getting them on and be ready for the onslaught of soft foods...

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#30 Post by Chantel »

Thanks linda and karen, it's put my mind at ease a little. I'm going to be very jittery by the time those August dates roll around but I'm just going to stick it in my diary and wait until it pops around, trying all the while not to think too much about it.

I'm going to start a section in the "braces stories" thread so that everyone can see how I'm doing, I'll also get some pictures up and running a bit sooner to when I get the actual braces on, so you can see how cool they look :)...

After having a chat with my partner and friends I realise I've made a great decision, and I still do have that exciting butterfly feeling in my tummy (I know that won't last for long, especially once I get those suckers on) Thanks again ladies, it's been inspiring reading your own stories, thanks so much for all your help on mine :)


14th March - Spacers
21st March - Braces

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