Introduction, getting braces this month

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Introduction, getting braces this month

#1 Post by adamindc »

Hello everyone,

My name is Adam, I am 25, and I live in Washington, DC.

My teeth have bothered me for years (I have gap teeth on the top row, poor spacing, and overcrowding on my bottom row). My brother got braces as a teen, but my parents thought my teeth "were fine." So here I am as a 25 year old taking the plunge for myself (an expensive plunge, but I'm excited).

So I found an orthodonist that people reccomended on Craigslist, and had my consultation. The orthodontist is cutting me a nice deal (considerably less than many other places I've looked into in this city) and I have set myself on getting ceramic braces!

My records appointment is tomorrow, and after that, well... we will see! It makes me nervous, but I know it's worth it!

Anyone else have stories to share about cermaics?

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#2 Post by adamindc »

Thanks you guys for the warm welcomes! :D

It looks like I am going to have to go back in for spacers before the final step of actually getting braces. Why does this sound way more painful than the braces? lol
I really have no natural space between my molars whatsoever. This will be interesting...

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#3 Post by ladygal »

Congrats on cutting deal with your ortho! Mine gave me 25% discount b/c my husband got his braces at the same place. And yes, spacers do hurt, ache, and throb!!! I hope yours are easier than mine; the tech couldn't do it, she had to get her boss to put them in.

My suggestion...ibuprofen and REALLY soft foods. Ibuprofen(if it's ok for you to normally take) provides not only pain relief but the anti-inflammatory help too. Baby food soft is definitely an option; also this is a great way to diet :)

Oh, get lots of rest; and if you can lie on your back. Laying to one side or another puts pressure on that side; extra pressure isn't fun.[/url][/list]

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#4 Post by lionfish »

Hi adam and welcome,

I've got ceramics on my lower teeth but, unlike KK, I'm conservative and have gone with pearl ligatures. Yes, they do react to red wine and curry (two of my many food and drink indulgences), but my ortho's office has said I can come in any time and get them changed. As the office is in a direction I don't normally travel I try to live with the stained ligs.

I don't know what brand they are - never asked, but have seen a promo for Inspire braces in the office so maybe that's what I've got. It took me a few days to get used to the bulkiness of them, but they're pretty OK now.

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