hollywood smile finally!!!

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#16 Post by hollywood_smile »

FINALLY!!! i can finally write an update!..lol i had an appointment for last friday but my mom couldnt take me and there is no way id go bymyself lol i need my MAMA! lol!!

anyways we switched for today and OMG! i wish i never went!, well yes but no, she explained the whole thing, and then put on spacers! :S so mean!!!!

so the veredict is that i have somthing...duh, of course i do (otherwise why would i go!lol sorry) so....the thing is that i have 2 options

my teeth are like on the edge or the line or..whatever of extractions and no extractions, if i egt extrations, theres going to be a little extra room, and if i choose the other thing then my teeth wont be as perfect as i want them. the other thing is a thing i guess called......shelter? schiffer? something like that , it starts with "S" im sure......the thing is to get the bicuspids like...wasted? (God i wish my damn english was better)
well she said this S...something thing have any of you heard of this? well if i choose this my teeth would get 2mm (or something like that) of space, so she said, that they would look good but not like a HOLLYWOOD SMILE if you know what I mean, and if i choose the extractions, then it would be like extra space that can be filled with the back mollars or something like that, actually i didnt pay too much of attention coz thats what moms are for lol JK and on the tv there was this show called room invaders, and then pimp my ride and oh god!!.....anyways......
the also talk about this weird device that would hold my molars while the rest are moving, so this way they wouldnt move lol, but im not sure if this weird device is also considered if i get the extractions done.
anyways, she said that is going to be a long treatment, at least 2 YEARSS!!! i know for some 2 years is nothing but aggr! anyways. im going with the extractions coz there is no way im going to spend 2 years in treatment and in the end will just be a small difference, if im going for 2 years i want at least NICOLE KIDMAN'S smile lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

well i got 4 spacers on my bottom things lol, but they will be there until 20 something!!! and then i will get the uppers!!! aww!! so freaking slow process!!! i guess she tried to be kind cos she said something like just the bottom so you can eat! but omg going thru the same again! im gonna die! its like...2 weeks! 2WEEKS! with spacers!!!! my mom said that i better get use to it coz the band things do the same and are like the same feeling......not sure if im gonna make it.......:S....***backing up***

call me nuts but im getting this feeling like my upper molars are sort of jealous, coz i dont have anything in there but i feels like i need some pressure....are they jealous? is this normal? like a side effect? really ! i think ill grab a toothpick thing and stick it there lol.......jk, but aww!!

oh yeah and i forgot to ask the changing lig thing....oh! damn MTV!...anyways thats my update and thanks very much for asking....
I sooo Want a hollywood smilee....!!!!

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#17 Post by hollywood_smile »

HEY KK thanks a lot lol so fast! i was just checking my email and got the notifications of the spacers post and just finished and there was this response lol thanks alot kiwi!!
im sure my mum heard the ortho....yeah i think that s word is what i meant but she didnt told me in english she said an other word a last name that is what the thing is called but yeah, lol "slenderising" is mainly lol in simple words THANKS!

of course i told her i want at least nicole kidman's smile, and oh yeah my mom had to interrupt those great words with something like..."her smile isnt that beautiful" i was like :roll: you think? cos anyways at least i want that...lol :D i know i sound stupid lol!!! and the ortho told me something like well...its more factible (is that a word?) to get it with extractions. so......of course i choose extractions

anyways KK, again THANKS and im going to have some sleep, tomorrow is a long day, and this way tomorrow will come faster and the day after tomorrow, etc and the spacers will go out faster lol thanks!
I sooo Want a hollywood smilee....!!!!

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#18 Post by hollywood_smile »

what a waste of time im so frustrated!!!! 2day i had an appt and the plan was to set the bands on the lowers and put spacers on the uppers......oh yeah sure!!!

the bands didnt fit!! so after spending my beautiful vacations with spacers!!!!! it was worthless?? god! so frustrated

they were trying the 23, 24 till 26 and oh god! they didnt fit they didnt make a space!

so she introduced again! spacers she said thisones are bigger, and will work! but awww!! 2 more weeks like this, and she also put the uppers but just one spacer on each side....weird i could sewar she forgot the other 2...i hope not or ill kill her! what then !! another 2 weeks wasted??!! no waaay!!!!!

anyways i have another appointment on 8! so.......ill try to be patient.....
I sooo Want a hollywood smilee....!!!!

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#19 Post by MsTiaLia »

Awww Hollywood_Smile,
I am so sorry to hear that this is not going smoothly for you! I don't know about everyone else, but the spacers and bands seemed like the part the ortho's staff could've done in their sleep to me! I can't believe they messed up something so basic! Well, the 8th is my bday so hopefully that'll be the day for you! Let us know how it goes!


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#20 Post by hollywood_smile »

:D THANK ALOT GUYS!!! thanks for your encouragment!! im not pissed anymore lol! thanks! hahahaha!!!!

right now im like...ok 9 more days... haha, the spacers have really bugged me on the left side, dunno why but even when i bite or speak and m tounge touches the area then feels weird and hurts sometimes!!!!

anyways im not thinking about it anymore coz when i think about the whole thing i want to back up and on the same time continue and then i frustrate and awww! you know! lol!

this week we go back to swimming trainning so ill be more distracted and days will go faster, i hope it works!.... :roll:

AND HAPPY PRE BIRTHDAY MSTIALIA!!! a taurus! :wink: hahahatoday was mydads bday and tomorrow is the "kids day" lol

have a great day! :D
I sooo Want a hollywood smilee....!!!!

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