Paul's Bogus Brace Journey

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I'm back!!

#16 Post by llyolf »

Hi everybody.... long time no post.... yesterday I had a vist to the infamous Dr. Marlin Salmon. He re-positioned 2 brackets, put in short chain 6 to 6 (my molars are not happy right now) and now I have 2 rubber bands... one on each side... and I still "get" to wear the bummer at night on the right side.

The State of the mouth report:
from what my wife (former ortho assistant) says Dr. S has been super uber aggressive..
so there is absolutely no space in the bottom teeth.... the movement been AMAZING!!! now comes the work on my bite...

all in all it's been well worth the time and energy put into it.... today is probably one of the more sensitive days I've had throughout this bogus journey...

Later all,

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#17 Post by xtrememkovr »

Paul -

You should really look into writing a column! You write very humorously! :)

Reading about your progress is inspiring also. Seems you've had a lot of movement in a short bit of time. Bummer <(play on words, get it... ar ar) that it has to involve pain - but ya know what they say, don't you?

Yeah - thought you did!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

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#18 Post by llyolf »

I go for an appt tomorrow..... My bite is so wonky it's funny right now! I went in a couple weeks ago to get a filling fixed, and when the Dentist was done he asked me to bite down to see how the molar met with the top one... *haaa* they don't even meet over there right now without manual intervention! doing 2 rubber bands has been a pain! my bites moved around so much that now when I'm putting elastics in, they fly across the room part of the time...

It's an adventure! keep smiling!

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#19 Post by llyolf »

After appt update:
The ortho, also known as Marlin Salmon, is amazed at how my bottom teeth have closed up. I'll try to get a pic up soon. He actually asked to see my records to see my before pics... then when he saw them said.. "Hmm wow... yup.. holy... wow.." (not in that order).

so to reward my teeth for so nicely lining up, he upgraded the archwires to piano wires... you know the kind... where the assistant sit on the tool to put the wire in so it'll fit into the bracket. Installation of top said paino wire wasn't to bad at first... but then she decided she forgot to put the spacers in it in the middle.. Open all doors and remove. Go to the bottoms... The bottoms must be smaller or something because this is where when she got to the front ones, it felt like she was sitting on the tool to put the wire in (and close the Damon door). after three or four tries with #1 bottom left, she tried the happy frozen tool; the wire popped right in and the door closed. OK... great time to leave... only wait is to find when Dr. fish fish (hope he doesn't read archwired :0) wants me back. He comes out to the front desk where I'm waiting.. asks me to open up and bite for him a couple more times. And decides I get to return to my happy seat.. he doesn't want those bottoms that are so nicely tight (but not white) to move apart. He wants to put a 6 to 6 chain back in... he starts to open the doors for the bottoms he does a few, but gets to #1LB and works at it for a good minute to open it.... ha ha... never to be opened again!!! (or at least for a long time). soon I feel him closing the few doors that were open and he puts the 6 to 6 on the outside... ha ha.. of course then he puts the elastics and and I have no place to hook them... aww shucks... guess I don't have to use elastics form now on! YEAH RIGHT!! I think Dr. Salmon may have been McGuyver in a past life. I really hope he doesn't frequent - I can see Dr Salmon's revenge..... dum dum dum... HEADGEAR for you Mr. Bradford!

Sorry.. where was I... oh yes... Dr, McGuyver says "Oh no problem, I'll wire up some cleats for you to hook your elastics to! (And turn your cheek into meatloaf - implied)"

So it's the day after... and my teeth aren't real happy to have to move more... they're telling me about it... nothing some Ibuprofin can't help...


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#20 Post by jennielee81 »



I love "Dr. Fish Fish"...

"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007 a little more about me here: ... 961130.htm

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I got the infamous TBI

#21 Post by llyolf »

It's been 2 months since my last appt. So yesterday was my appointment...... you know how they say about it takes 30 times to make a good habit stick but 1 time to make a bad habit.... well with 60+ times between appointments, I've made some bad habits... like brushing 1 time a day at night and flossing 2-3 times... per week.. :evil:

So at my appt yesterday I got the infamous TBI as part of my treatment.... from dr to assistant it was very subtle... do this, this, tbi, and this... So I'll give you the rest 1st:

I now have short chain from 6 to 6 on top and bottom.... whee.. and I'm now to wear the Heavy elastics all the time (if I can stand it). and he wired me up with ties on the brackets I hook the elastics to so I wouldn't have issues hooking them on.... when I get a chance I'll snap some pics and post. I have had quite the mouth change in the last 7 months...


Oh, by the way: TBI = Tooth Brush Instruction

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#22 Post by smallbutmighty »

I am new at this, it has only been 2 weeks today. I just read all of your posts :lol: and can't wait to hear the rest of your story. It sounds like you are on a fast track and all is going well, if not easily. Keep us laughing as you enjoy the journey of self improvement. Oops. My lip balm just bit the dust.

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I'm Done!

#23 Post by llyolf »

as of yesterday, I no longer have my braces on. I got a fixed retainer for the bottom, so there wasn't a need to do impressions and have one made at a lab.


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#24 Post by catfish »

Pics! Pics! Pics!
Click on WWW to see my braces story.

August 16, 2007 - Braced on top
January 3, 2008 - Braced on bottom



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