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Re: Hello There

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:34 pm
by noveldevice
I think it is fairly common to break ceramic brackets. That's why they cost more--they figure in the cost of the extra maintenance most people with ceramics require. That's also why for some people ceramics just aren't an option--because in some cases they're going to be cranking so hard on the brackets that the ceramic can't take it. Give what you've said about your crazy canine, that might be why yours broke. I had a lateral incisor that was hiding as well, and I popped the (metal) bracket on it three times before they got it in line enough that the tension on the wire didn't end up being more than the glue could take.

It's possible that when your canines started to move your ortho could see that a different bracket placement would be better. It's also possible (particularly if they did the tray thing on you) that it wasn't right in the first place. But better that they fix it!