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Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:00 am
by BracedSurgeryStudent
I will post mine at the bottom of the post are mine. But yeah I think its awesome of you to save up and do this on your own. That's awesome! I have had braces for 4 months already.

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:40 pm
by Bec There
Wow, you've had heaps of progress, your smile looks great :D

I've been doing a lot of reading on this site, youtube videos and blogs etc and I'm a bit confused about the whole spacer and molar band thing. I always thought it was neccessary for all braces treatment, but I've read many where they weren't needed at all.

So do any of you know the whole purpose of banding the molars etc? What kind of cases need it, and what kind dont etc?

Oh, and just over 3 weeks til my consultation! Woot!! :-**

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:04 am
by nessness
I didn't have spacers/molar bands for my treatment. All brackets

Not sure why or why not though :?

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:46 pm
by BracedSurgeryStudent
Bec There wrote:Wow, you've had heaps of progress, your smile looks great :D

I've been doing a lot of reading on this site, youtube videos and blogs etc and I'm a bit confused about the whole spacer and molar band thing. I always thought it was neccessary for all braces treatment, but I've read many where they weren't needed at all.

So do any of you know the whole purpose of banding the molars etc? What kind of cases need it, and what kind dont etc?

Oh, and just over 3 weeks til my consultation! Woot!! :-**
Thanks :) My orthodontist thought the same thing even just walking by me when I was there (not getting an adjustment).

Yes, well in some cases molar bands are needed in others its not.
At my orthodontists office she only gives molar bands to those patients who need appliances and when they appliances come out so don't the molar bands. and brackets are fitted in their place.

Some patients who have crowns or anything that would prohibit the brackets to stick on the back teeth would get molar bands. Also if the patient has a tenancy to break those last brackets often will get changed into molar bands.

Awesome :) I bet you are very happy.

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:28 am
by Bec There
So, the day has finally come. My consultation was earlier today, so glad that's out of the way. Over and done with.
I signed up, and I get banded on the 6th of March, which is ages away, and at the same time, not so far away! The deposit for them is much higher than I expected though, so it's probably good that it's 4 weeks away, gives me time to collect some more $$$.

So my orthodontist was all I expected him to be. Doesn't really talk much, all business. When he did talk he mumbled on about my midline being perfect, and my occlusion with my back teeth being perfect, which means closing the spaces at the front wont be as easy as I thought because it's going to make all of that out of whack. GAHHH! Although he did mention that he can start closing those straight away but, so that I'm happy about. :BigGrin:

He didn't mention anything about necessary extractions. Thank God. Or anything about my wisdom teeth needing to go either. Which is good. They all had room to come in. One is still partially erupted so I thought maybe he'd mention that, but he didn't!

He did mention that there was a chance that later on my spaces might open up again, and he might have to glue a wire to the back of my teeth. I can deal with that, I say do whatever you have to do. I asked him about the other types of retainers and he said they might not have enough force to hold them together, but time will tell.

I asked out of interest how long I'd have to have braces and he said the standard 1 1/2-2 years answer, which I was a little bummed about because you know, that seems like a lifetime considering everyone kept saying I wouldn't need them for long. :|

My consult cost me $95, and the total treatment cost they quoted me, for those interested, was $6900. ( I live in Australia)

The overall price they gave me I thought was pretty reasonable since I've heard it can go as high as $8-9000. YIKES! But for the deposit they want a down payment of $3300 which is do-able, but means any thoughts I've had of holidays or anything fun for the near future is out of the question.

He really didn't do much except look in my mouth, no moulds etc, maybe that happens next time.

So yeah, that's me! Soon I will start my own braces story :D

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:14 pm
by elseegee64
Hi All:My consultation was on January 2, 2012. I had an appointment on February 17th, but had it changed mid-January to March 30th. I just re-scheduled my appointment for February 29th. Reading up on all these forums has really been helpful! I've gone through the similar issues.

I have spaces on my bottom. I noticed I have a terrible habit of forcing my tongue through the gaps, which, in time I'm sure, has produced some gaps. No one has ever said anything about smile - but I noticed it for myself.

I'm excited for my appointment! Thank you all for being here!

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:01 pm
by Apessie
I feel like you were writing my story! I just got my braces today. My parents didn't want to pay or do the monthly visits to he ortho. Now at 27, I am finally able to pay for them myself. I will be following your journey and progress!

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:29 pm
by Bec There
ElseeGee64 - it sucks having spaces doesn't it! People don't comment on mine but I can tell when they notice. It makes me extremely self consious. But all that will change soon and you won't be able to stop me smiling!! Keep me updated about what they say at your consultation :) and thanks for posting!

Apessie - congrats on getting braced up! I'm a little jealous as I wish I had mine on already!!! So how are you feeling, day 2 with braces? Hope all is well and it's not hurting too much!! So are you having braces to correct spacing issues also?

Thanks for following my story :) I am going to keep it updated because I know personally from searching all the sites etc that it's great to read a journey to the end, I hate the ones that aren't completed, especially the stories very similar to mine, as I just want to see the finished outcomes for these ones haha. This site is extremely good for information though regardless of the reason why any of us are getting braces!!

In other news, since my consultation and booking my brace day I have started telling people (since no one knew) I started with my boyfriend and he was so incredibly supportive, it just took a weight of my shoulders. As for everyone else, I just keep telling myself that I don't really care what they think, I'm doing this for me!! :D

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:16 am
by Bec There
I'm so freaking nervous! Only 10 sleeps to go! But on the other hand, I can't wait to get these things on, because IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT! It's on my mind constantly. It's exhausting!

Anyone else experience this?

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:12 pm
by elseegee64
[quote="Bec There"]I'm so freaking nervous! Only 10 sleeps to go! But on the other hand, I can't wait to get these things on, because IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT! It's on my mind constantly. It's exhausting!

Anyone else experience this?[/quote]

I'm with you - two more days!

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:55 am
by Bec There
Goodluck tomorrow then ElseeGee64 :) Keep me posted on how you go! Have you got your own story up here with pics etc? I'd be interested to follow your story too if you post one.

Keep your cool tomorrow and just remember, soon we'll have beautiful smiles! :( :shock: :) :D

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:41 pm
by elseegee64
Bec There wrote:Goodluck tomorrow then ElseeGee64 :) Keep me posted on how you go! Have you got your own story up here with pics etc? I'd be interested to follow your story too if you post one.

Keep your cool tomorrow and just remember, soon we'll have beautiful smiles! :( :shock: :) :D

I just put my story up! ... =9&t=41657

Hope to have more photos, too.
Laura (elseegee64)

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:27 am
by Jesshasbraces24
Pretty teeth! You'll have those suckers off in no time! Spaces seem to close pretty quickly. :D

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:00 pm
by BetsyBug
Hey Bec There!! Looks like we are getting braced on the same day. Its nice to know there is someone else out there going through the same craziness. I have been absolutely dwelling on my teeth for weeks now, for that matter everyone's teeth. :crazy: beginning to wonder if this is normal or if I should check myself into a mental ward. Just a few more days, the waiting is the hardest part.

Good luck on Tuesday!!!

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:33 pm
by Bec There
Thanks Jess! I hope they close quickly! I'll be having a celebration for sure when the spaces are FINALLY gone haha. :)

BetsyBug!! This time tomorrow we'll be all done! And we can 'officially' start our brace face journey. YAY! I look forward to hearing of your progress :D