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Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 3:49 pm
by cottonsock
This is my concern too - I only have a few more weeks to decide how to manage whether I tell people - and my braces will be very visible.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:26 am
by giraffington
I told my parents and siblings, my boyfriend, and a few of my co-workers. My family already knew that I wanted braces because I begged for them growing up and I've told them a million times that when I have the money I'm finally going to do it. It wasn't a big deal for them to hear it was happening. The only question I didn't like was regarding their cost. I have a simple case but they are still expensive. My family didn't have much money growing up, so I felt awkward telling them they cost almost half as much as their yearly salary. Luckily for me they are partially covered by insurance! My boyfriend only wants me to be happy and knows I've wanted these for a while. He had them as a kid.

My co-workers have been supportive.

I'll probably send a picture to a few of my friends once they are on - most of my friends do not live in the same city as I so there was not really a time to tell them, hey, by the way I have braces now!

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:43 am
by kgallagher
I didnt tell anyone other than my husband. I got damon clear brackets on top and it take people a good 15 minutes or so to even notice. Ive had them for a little more than 2 weeks and my boss just asked me if I got braces!

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:49 pm
by jean001
I told my husband, my kids and my mom then after I got them posted on facebook. Anyone else finds out when I open my mouth :D

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:42 pm
by TheCarDoctor
The day I had them put on, I took a picture of my metal mouth and posted it on Facebook. I had a lot of family members who were really surprised because they all know how much I HATE going to the dentist.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:10 am
by SunshineRay
Wow, you facebook telling people are brave. Thats the best way to get it out to everyone. I have been thinking of sending a mass text to my closest friends just so it isnt awkward when I see them.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:54 pm
by Liljynx
I've told my husband and coworkers... My parents on the other hand will find out after I get them.

Any time that I've brought it up with them they get angry because they spent thousands on braces fore when I was thirteen.

Most reactions have been "but your teeth are so straight!" Then I have to explain my bite etc so I have stopped telling people.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:02 pm
by JeniK
My story is a bit different. When I came home from the dentist office..and told my husband that the dentist and I were discussing me getting braces.

My husband looked at me like I had lost my mind. "Why would you want to sink money into your teeth when you could just get them all pulled....get dentures..and then you are totally done with your teeth!" He has dentures...and has them for a very long time.

So that ended the discussion about it with him. I thought about it for several days...and thought NO way am I going to do that. I wanted braces. So I told my kids first...they all thought that was great if that is what I wanted. Then to my sisters and brother. I totally forgot each of them had braces in their 30's. So I am 20 years late! They all support me.

At work...I work in a very small group. So they all know about my braces. They also support me.

As of now..My husband has accepted the brace idea. I tried to explain to him that I have wanted this my entire life. That he has no idea how much this truly means to me. With the appt made and a date set...he is now fully supporting me also.
Besides that..Me stay quiet about anything? Not gonna happen!! LOL :lol:

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:49 am
by Nana51
I have husband and kids supporting me on this major decision for this stage in my life. The why of doing this is evident whenever I smile or whenever I cover my mouth when I smile. Besides that, now that I've had 4teeth pulled, only 2in my whole mouth meet. tHAT'S my primary reason for doing this. I want to be able to chew my food properly and avoid digestive problems later on in life.
I truly expected resistance from my parents who are in their 80's but none was there. Have always sought their approval with big things in my life so that helped me decide to go for it. Only a couple of friends at work know;others who know I've had teeth pulled have no apparent curiosity and have asked no questions. Like others have said, folks can find out when they find out...and if they don't like it or think I'm too old, TOUGH! I'm not doing this for anyone but myself.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:18 am
by asag
I told a few people I was planning on getting braces and they all thought I was crazy (I'm 39 and my teeth are not super crooked but I have issues with a couple of teeth that are getting damaged due to my bite). I felt like I had to justify my decision. I don't care though - this is about me, not them. I got the braces about 5 days ago and people have been mostly cool with it - just "oh, you got braces" and then we all move on. It's not a big deal at all.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:56 pm
by Confused123
I only told people I worked with the day I got braced. I was like well I got to go and get braces lol they were like what?!

But everyone has been very positive and encouraging throughout my whole treatment.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:26 am
by SunshineRay
Confused123 wrote:I only told people I worked with the day I got braced. I was like well I got to go and get braces lol they were like what?!

But everyone has been very positive and encouraging throughout my whole treatment.
Too funny! Tomorrow will be a week in braces and Im still trying to hide out. Ive found it easier to tell friends through text so its not awkward when I see them. At work the first day with braces I was super quiet so the next day one person asked if I was ok because I seemed different. I told him and hes like oh, my wife has to wear 2 retainers blah blah and shes probably in her 50's. People keep telling me that Im worrying about this much more then anyone else. I worry alot though!

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:07 am
by plugnickel69
There's no need to tell people that you are getting braces or that you got braces. It's a big deal for us, but no big deal to everyone else. The untrained eye would have never though I needed braces, and one would have thought that there would be questions about someone getting them in their sixties. But nothing. No one cares. No one asks why. Family and relatives don't care either.

You can relax and go with the flow, or if you one who needs to share every aspect of your life on social media, that's okay too. Do what works for you, but there's no need to overthink it.

One of the techniques I've used to deal with my braces anxiety over an upcoming event is to peek into the future and imagine that the event just ended. I'm still the same person. No change. On with life. Before I know it, I am actually in that future. I can honestly say that I've never had an uncomfortable social or professional situation with my braces. The initial anxiety was all for naught. Now almost a year-and-a half in I don't worry about it. Can't say I don't think about it, but I don't worry about it.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:27 pm
by Nana51
Plug nickel, I think you have said it the best I've seen on this thread-- other than the person who said "I'm too fabulous not to have straight teeth." I'm bracing for braces in a month or so. I notice the common theme here that this is such a gut wrenching decision for lots of us. I could go on and do what I do with my teeth as they are but see this as an opportunity for improvement and a plus for my health. It's a shame that we are all so concerned about what people think..and I truly don't give a plug that's why I've chosen to do this anyway. :lol: I think we all have lots of baggage tied to our teeth and professionals out there willing to take our $ and fix the problem. I'll read on and sure do appreciate everyone sharing and encouraging each other.

Re: How did you tell people???

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:36 pm
by plugnickel69
Don't mean to hijack this thread, but this is developing into a good conversation. Thanks for your comments, Nana. It takes a great deal of courage form most adults to make the decision to get braces. Gut-wrenching, as you so rightly put it, especially the social aspect. But there's another way to look at it. When you get braces many others are looking at you and admiring you for having the intestinal fortitude to better your bite and your looks. And many others would do it if they could afford it as braces are not cheap.