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Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:12 am
by PaisleyGrrl81
How did the 3 week wait turn into the 3 day wait?! Eeeek! I think I've settled on going full metal -- so this should be an interesting 18 months. 8)

Still very much NOT looking forward to spacers and molar bands, but I have resigned myself to my fate.

I am soaking up every last minute bit of info, all recommendations, pieces of advise, and horror stories from this board. I love the blog sites that have progress pics. They really keep me motivated.

One thing I am struggling with is that I am finding it hard to picture what I will look like with straight teeth. Am I crazy, or did anyone else here feel like they might lose some of their sense of identity once they were at the finish line? :?: I have looked like I do now for so long, I think I convinced myself that my crowded teeth gave me character. It was probably just a coping mechanism, but as I get closer to starting the journey of correcting them, I wonder if I will not feel like myself once my teeth are in their new spots and I have an entirely new smile and look? :? I am famous for overanalyzing. Perhaps that is the answer in this situation, as well. But feel free to chime in if you dealt with anything similar, I would love to hear about it!!

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:48 am
by mapleleafman888
Time flies! I feel as if your entire thoughts are bang on to what has been going through my head as well so no need to repeat it here haha!

As far as the identity thing goes I'm 100% ok with changing from 'the vampire' to someone with a great smile...vampire isn't the best nickname but who knows nowdays vampires seem to be in!

Good luck with your brace date, mine is on Sept 9th and will be braced for about 18 months as well. Looking forward to seeing your progress and reading your thoughts along the way. There's a few of us getting braced in the next 2 weeks so it will be cool to dialogue and enjoy the journey together.

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:23 pm
by Nana51
Always great to find someone to compare notes with when you're going through ANYTHING!
Good luck to you this week.

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:33 pm
by JeniK

My only suggestions...
1. Stock up on soft food.... I had yogurt, pudding, applesauce, mac & cheese. Hard to find a chewing surface right least for me.

2. Take tylenol or something before you go to your appt.

3. Waterpik.....from this forum I knew it was be best to have it beforehand...

4. Smile at yourself afterwards !!

5. Let us know how you are doing !! We are sort of the Brace Family!!

6. Last suggestion I have...If you need wax....use it!!

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:23 am
by kids041
JeniK wrote:PaisleyGrrl81

My only suggestions...
1. Stock up on soft food.... I had yogurt, pudding, applesauce, mac & cheese. Hard to find a chewing surface right least for me.

2. Take tylenol or something before you go to your appt.

3. Waterpik.....from this forum I knew it was be best to have it beforehand...

4. Smile at yourself afterwards !!

5. Let us know how you are doing !! We are sort of the Brace Family!!

6. Last suggestion I have...If you need wax....use it!!
PaisleyGrrl81- I second everything JeniK says!

I have had my braces for exactly 3 weeks today, and I still find that it is hard to bite into hard things, that I occasionally need wax, and that some days are better then others.

WAX is really your best friend, don't try to be brave and not use it... really....there is not any point in being tough and trying to go without it. I learned the hard way....I was worried that if I used it, I would become dependent on it, and never get used to the braces rubbing... so not true!... Wax just helps you get thru the rough days, and there is plenty of time to have your cheeks get tough...
Keep us updated on your progress... you will do great :)

RE: The 3 week wait!!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:55 am
by AHopewell
Eeee! Can you believe Wednesday is it?! I'm ready to get the show on the road. I go in at 9 am for mine. Let me know how you do! I have had spacers for 3 weeks :ThumbsDown: I am not really nervous, but kind of giddy to just get on with whatever the new norm is going to be. GOOD LUCK!

Amy H

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:01 pm
by PaisleyGrrl81

I was thinking about you today! Wonder who else is in the 08/28 gang?! I am a bundle of nerves now! But like you, I agree: ready to be PAST the install and onto the real work. I can't believe you're still with spacers! I'm getting mine with the install, and molar bands a week later. They're gonna slap me with it all at once -- ouch! Luckily, I have taken a long weekend and won't be going back to work until after the Labor Day holiday. Hopefully this will give me enough time to practice talking and eating, without making too much of a fool of myself in front of my coworkers. :oops:

So nervous for Wednesday. My appt is at 10 am PST. You will be on my mind, so don't forget to post an update as soon as you can!!!! :crazy:

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:41 am
by chichi
I just read this whole thread and it looks like tomorrow's the day! In these next 26 hours before you're braced, I strongly urge you to eat things that are hard, crunchy, chewy, or things you have to really bite into, like a sub... it's going to be a while before you get to experience it again.

Good luck tomorrow and tell us all about it!

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:16 am
by kids041
Good luck tomorrow! :)

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:02 pm
by Nana51
Chichi is right ... but you'll do fine. We'll be watching for an update from you tomorrow.

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:03 pm
by PaisleyGrrl81
I missed my chance to indulge in the forbidden foods! I think the nerves and excitement have staved off my appetite. Still, I'm hoping to shed a few pounds while avoiding all of the no-no's.

I haven't even stocked up on things to eat for the first few days! Hopefully all goes well tomorrow and I'll be in OK shape to make a light grocery run after my appointment. Really dreading those darn spacers. And hoping my teeth won't be sensitive to what's involved with the installation process. Just a few short hours now! Loving all the support here -- I will definitely be posting an update or two tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled. :GapToothed:

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:58 am
by anedia
Good luck!!! Keep us updated with everything - the good AND the bad

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:37 am
by kids041
Good luck today!! post pics if you want to :D

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:32 am
by PaisleyGrrl81
I am SOOOOOOOO nervous! I don't think I slept a wink last night, and I keep getting butterflies in my stomach! My last pre-braces meal is Lucky Charms. Speaking of which... what are the rules against cereal after braces? Obviously Captain Crunch is not an option... 8)

Ok guys & gals, I'm on my way out. Wish me luck!!!!!!!! :crazy:

Re: The 3 week wait !!

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:42 am
by chichi
PaisleyGrrl81 wrote:I am SOOOOOOOO nervous! I don't think I slept a wink last night, and I keep getting butterflies in my stomach! My last pre-braces meal is Lucky Charms. Speaking of which... what are the rules against cereal after braces? Obviously Captain Crunch is not an option... 8)

Ok guys & gals, I'm on my way out. Wish me luck!!!!!!!! :crazy:
I wasn't given any rules against cereal, but I haven't eaten any since getting braces. I'm sure it's something I could manage now, but I would probably let it soak up some milk so I don't break anything.

Good luck!! You'll do great!