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#31 Post by ckrobyn »

I actually used photobucket for the first time last night in order to post that pic - I didn't notice an option to resize, I will have to look for it.

Okay, so the inside of my lips and cheeks are still really bugging me and I hope and pray that I wil get used to this soon!!!

I am all over the wax thing - they are on every single bracket.

Will I ever eat solid food again? If so - when??????

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#32 Post by ckrobyn »

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#33 Post by ckrobyn »


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#34 Post by Quirky Girl »

Hi Robyn,

Your brackets are very discreet, they look great! Your teeth are going to look awesome when you finish in six months. You’re so lucky to have such a short sentence. If you’re still having issues with the brackets chaffing the inside of you cheeks, you might want to make sure that you’re using a mouthwash that doesn’t contain alcohol. As for food – try soft foods for a couple of days such as pasta, rice or casseroles. You should be able to eat almost anything you did before braces as long as it’s cut up into small pieces. Good luck with everything and keep us posted on your progress!

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#35 Post by ckrobyn »

Thanks Quirky - every little bit of encouragement helps.

I'm having a bad day today. The brackets feel huge, I have wax everywhere and not only are the inside of my lips sore - my teeth are starting to hurt! My molars feel tender now which makes chewing back there a real challenge. I am sticking to soft food and I have existed mainly on yogurt, frozen yogurt, apple sauce, soft boiled eggs and soft bread. I want to eat REAL food again soon!! :cry:

There are definitely moments when I get really fed up and want these things OFF my teeth!!! My one hope is that I get to the point soon where the braces are there, but I am not constantly aware and reminded of them. When can I expect that to happen?????

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#36 Post by ckrobyn »

Okay, I am on day 7 of braces. The inside of my mouth (soft tissues) seem to be healing and getting used to the brackets (except for a few brackets which feel sharp because of where they are placed on my crooked teeth!). Most of the time I feel somewhat "used" to these braces, but there are other times that they are all I think about!

Now that the soreness on the inside of my mouth is subsiding, several of my teeth are killing me! My top right molar, and my right canine to be exact. Is it normal that random teeth will just start hurting? Last night it was my 2 front teeth - which I am kinda glad about because maybe it means the overlap is starting to space out? I stare at these teeth all the time and I swear I can see a difference already!

Eating is still a challenge. Because my molar is sore on the right, I have to do all my chewing on the left. Chewing is not an easy thing - I find that is the time when the brackets are rubbing against the inside of my mouth the most. I am still sticking to soft foods. I read on here that you should actually chew as it helps your teeth adjust to the movement and sensitivity?

My Ortho's office called yesterday (Monday) to see how I was feeling. I told them my suicide watch ended on Saturday and that I am starting to adjust to my new mouth and all it's lovely hardware!

First adjustment is on August 6th.

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#37 Post by theresawall »


You sound like you're adapting to braces in a good way. I've only had mine on for 5 weeks and many times I wondered why I did this! I'm 43.
Yesterday I was at the ortho and she told me that it is much more painful for adults than kids. So, we aren't being babies!

I found that the teeth that needed the most movement were the ones that hurt the most. Maybe that is true for you too? Advil works wonders! I also have this stuff called "Kanka" for the sores on the inside of my mouth. It's a numbing agent that works well.

I must say, when I decided to get my braces the ortho said 14 months and I figured okay, that's a little over a year, it will fly by...but I sure wish I only had 6 months, like you.

Hope you get back to feeling better soon!


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#38 Post by ckrobyn »

Hi Theresa - thanks so much for your reponse. It is the support I am getting on Archwired that is pulling me through this rough patch.

With regard to painful teeth - I do believe that adults will experience more pain than children when it comes to braces. I hope what you said about the particular teeth that hurt the most are the one's that need to do the most moving :D If that is the case, my overlapping front teeth should be well on their way!!

True I only have a 6 month sentence (I will be debraced sometime in January) but right now 6 months seems like a million years away! I still have to go through the same initial discomfort of getting braces put on and getting used to them - and then I will rediscover the discomfort at each adjustment. My adjustments are only 4 weeks apart!!!! :shock: Most ortho patients are 6-8 weeks between adjustments....

I'm hangin' in there on the quest for beautiful teeth.

Thanks again for your response :)

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#39 Post by ckrobyn »

Today is my one week braces anniversary :lol:

Each day is getting somewhat easier. I still have random teeth that become tender and sore......hope that means movement!!!!

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#40 Post by Bracefacegal »


I enjoyed reading through your experience! On June 4th I got my braces (I turned 40 a few weeks before) and experienced everything you have been through.

Like you, the random tooth soreness really freaked me out because I didnt' know that that meant. Every week is a new experience! I've got major teeth shifting happening as I feel 'different' in my mouth and where my teeth are placed.

The soreness was horrible and the first week or so was really uncomfortable....ok, it was a lot uncomfortable!

Anyhow, my next adjustment is Aug. 5th!

Here's to a great smile at the end!
It's never too late to fix your smile! :)

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