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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:21 am
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
kk..its your lucky day! i take pictures with my friends like crazy, so i managed to crop my mouth and now you get to see the metallic green & purple ligs:

sixth adjustment:

seventh adjustment:

and now an update.

eighth adjustment:
i got a new wire! finally! my colors are metallic lime green and metallic bronze. its great but it looks too much like the previous colors i just had and i really want something different. i dont have any pictures currently, but i should add them soon. i dont really feel like doing the whole pic thing because they look the same to me! and the new wire honestly did not hurt one bit! sadly, no news on the gingevectomy front. i really want it done for obvious reasons and ive been talking to my orthodontist.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 9:46 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
eighth adjustment
this is last month.

ninth adjustment

i got lime green (again) and blue ligatures. no new wires, but a bend in the back of my lower wire to align my banded molars. eekk im so excited i get my braces off in september-october ishhh! yay! anyways my appt was like a week and a half ago..but yea here is a GOOD pic! and my teeth look so white its insane.


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:59 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
its been ONE YEAR!!!!

and i am so excited. i had my adjustment on march 15;; my one year was on march 16. no new wires..but a few new bends in the top one. i hope to get my finishing wires in the next few months? maybe, i'm not sure! my orthodontist hasn't changed his statement of me getting my braces off around september-october, and that will meet my minimum of 18 i am VERY excited;; you have no idea! Anyways i got yellow and orange alternating ligatures, and they are very bright! hah. i like it. i have included three pics..i am catching up! have fun && good luck with yours :D

current smile. a little blurry

my right side..

my left side..

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:29 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
thanks KK! :D :D

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:38 pm
by alexa
Congrats on your one year anniversary...I had mine back on March 1st! :D

That's pretty awesome that you may have your braces off by September or October. Time moves quickly and that'll fly by in no time.


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:46 am
by Cultureicons
Wow congrats on your progess, that's amazing!
You've made not so worried anymore, I'm fifteen and I have to get braces soon, plus I have a gap in between my front teeth aswell and to see your teeth now has made me excited!

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:46 am
by Cultureicons
Wow congrats on your progess, that's amazing!
You've made not so worried anymore, I'm fifteen and I have to get braces soon, plus I have a gap in between my front teeth aswell and to see your teeth now has made me excited!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:20 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
THANKS KK, alexa, and cultureicons for your comments. i had my eleventh adjustment (i think..) a LONGG time ago. in fact my next one is coming up on the 24th of this month. lol. i just havent updated in awhile. wow have i got some news. no new wires, but i got some minor tweaks, as usual. debanding is still set for september, hopefully EARLY sept! but anyways i got pink ligs. they make my teeth look horribly yellow. but whatever i dont even care anymore because as soon as these suckers come off, hello BLEACHING TRAYS! anyways. i will have to post pictures later, because i have been way to lazy to take them :lol:

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:09 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
ok sorry no pictures. maybe i can crop some.

i didnt get any new wires :( however i got this really weird bend in it. i think that the bend is to bring that lower canine more into my arch. ughh PRESSUREEE. but i got dark green on the top and navy blue on the bottom. it 's ok. i just cant seem to find a color that makes my teeth look white! oh well. sometime in june im going to make a dental cleaning appt and talk to my dentist about cutting my gums. they gross me out everytime i look in the mirror. haha wow. ok i just took pictures:

my teeth. look so white :]

my right side:

my left side:

check out that insane bend!:

my sorta smile. i wish my teeth were always that white:

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:24 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
hey everyone, sorry ive been gone so long. KK and linda21, thank you so much for your kind comments. i had an adjustment way back in late june, and another one today. my debanding has been pushed back to october, which my orthodontist said is definate debanding. hopefully it will be early october! this adjustment i got all navy, and they gave me a powerchain on top, and a new bend in my wire. pressure! anyways, pictures:

Previous Adjustment:



Today's Adjustment:



Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:55 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
Today i went to the orthodontist and i got amazing news, but i'll get to that in a minute. First off, he took out my wires and polished my two front teeth and my two upper canines because they were a little rough around the edges. Then he put some new bends in my wires, and then gave me the best news ever (actually he said to the assistant..) "Put the next appt as 'BR'" so i said, "what's BR?" and he's like "Braces Removal" and i was like OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS!?! and so yeah, im getting my braces off on OCTOBER 3, 2006 AT 9:15AM and i am ecstatic! Also, i talked to him about my gums, he said that if i really wanted to, I could get them cut! so tomorrow morning I am going to call my dentist and make an appt before my debanding. I got metallic purple (powerchain) on top and maroon on the bottom! Pictures to come later today, i'm having some trouble finding some new batteries for my camera! :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:03 am
by jcdamon3
That is marvelous news! I am hoping this is me in a few months! Please show us some piccies when you are all done!

:-88 :dance: :thumbsup: :rawk: :jump:

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:55 pm
by jennielee81
I am SO HAPPY for you!!!

Your teeth look amazing, you and your ortho have done a fantastic job!

Can't wait to see your nakie pictures! (that's naked tooth pix btw :oops: )

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:16 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
HERE ARE THE PICTURES: (sorry i did not get them sooner!)
*if you look in the front shots, you can see how my midline is off, but my orthodontist said the only way to correct this is through surgery, and my midline's not off by much anyways!
**if you compare the pictures now, to the ones right before I got my blue powerchain, you'll see that my midline is almost perfect, but it's more off now!
***Also, I'm ok about my midline being off, just because the only way someone would notice it would be in close up pictures like these! (sorry for all these side notes!)






front again:

current smile:

Counting down the days until debanding..14! And I am still working on getting that gingivectomy appointment! Thanks for listening :]


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:04 pm
by calypsojunky
Your teeth look fantastic!
I can't wait for my arch to look as beautifully rounded as yours.