27 and braced again, and they are off!!!!!

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Drama Queen
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#61 Post by Drama Queen »


Bit down today, had my 18th adjustment today and nothing happened. He just looked at them, changed my ligs, took an xray and sent me on my way. I go back in 4 weeks, but this time for a half hour appointment, and he mentioned something about bending wires. I have nearly done 18 months and that is the estimated time that he gave me so I was hoping for some good news today or at least a debanding date, but sadly it was not to be. I haven't asked him how long I have got to go as I am too scared of his answer.

So i just carry on wearing my elastics as instructed from the past 3 months, and hope that this comes to an end soon!

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
Braces off on 3 April 2008

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#62 Post by Drama Queen »

"Sigh" well last Friday was my 18th month anniversary - I hope this comes to an end soon! I was told that my sentence would be "18 months plus or minus", so as I have hit the 18 month mark I guess it is going to be plus a few more months. Got an half an hour appointment on Tuesday, so hopefully something significant will happen there.

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
Braces off on 3 April 2008

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#63 Post by Drama Queen »

Hey bracedagain,

Thanks for your support. Love the use of the word braceaversry, I am going to start using that! I havent asked my ortho when I will be finished as it doesnt really matter it will be as long as it is gonna be, so I am just going to wait for him to suprise me with it. Hopefully he will say something on Tuesday - I will keep you posted!

Hopefully you will get some good news too soon

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
Braces off on 3 April 2008

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#64 Post by Drama Queen »


Had my 19th adjustment today. The Ortho said things like, its looking nice, perfect, and nearly there while he was looking at my teeth - which is always encouraging, esp from an ortho who doesnt say that kind of stuff very often. He repositioned one of my brackets on my upper canine, rebent the upper arch wire and put a clear powerchain across my front teeth. He is hoping that with these new things a tooth will rotate and a small gap, that has appeared during treatment, will close. he also changed my ligs, so they are nice and clean at the mo. Still have to carry on wearing my the elastics that I have been wearing for the past few months to help close my open bite.

He then said that if all goes well when he sees me at my next appointment in 4 weeks time (March) the braces can come off at the next appointment after that in April...so fingers crossed I will only have 8 weeks to go until I am free! Though I am not going to get my hopes up too much incase they dont come off in April, but I am feeling a little positive as this is the first time he has given me a date for de-banding, it has never been mentioned before.

Feeling a lot more upbeat now, esp as there now seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel!

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
Braces off on 3 April 2008

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#65 Post by Drama Queen »


Just got back from my 20th adjustment today and it was good news! He looked at my teeth and he said the "time had come", he said that they weren't perfect (then again who is in life!) but it was the best they were going to be (and I can tell you I can feel a lot of difference since this all started). He took out my top wire and bent it a little, and put in two little clear power chains and changed my clear ligs, he asked if I wanted some coloured ones, just for the final month but I politely declined! and I have to carry on wearing the elastics I have been wearing for the past few months.

So my date for debanding is 3 April, a mere 4 weeks and 2 days away (not that I am counting), though he did say that in the next 4 weeks I just need to keep an eye on everything and make sure that I am happy with how it looks before the removal date comes around, if not I need to let him know - am a little scared at that, I hope that nothing happens and everything looks ok over the next few weeks.

He has told me that I will be having bonded retainers top and bottom, which I am slightly worried about, I mean do they feel weird? will I get used to them? does it feel like you have something constantly stuck behind your teeth? Anyone out there that can answers these questions for me???? and then removeable retainers top and bottom as well (the cost just keep adding up don't it?!), I can also buy the bleach from him so that I can whiten my teeth as well.

So all in all it is nearly the end. I was originally told that this process would take 18 month plus or minus and by the time my removal date comes around it will just have been over 20 months, which I think has gone quite quickly, though it prob didnt feel like it at the time. Although I have my date I am still a bit too scared of being really excited incase it doesnt happen, I don't think I will truly believe it until they are off!

So the countdown begins...........

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
Braces off on 3 April 2008

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#66 Post by lionfish »

Congrats on getting a debanding date.

He has told me that I will be having bonded retainers top and bottom, which I am slightly worried about, I mean do they feel weird? will I get used to them? does it feel like you have something constantly stuck behind your teeth? Anyone out there that can answers these questions for me???? and then removeable retainers top and bottom as well (the cost just keep adding up don't it?!), I can also buy the bleach from him so that I can whiten my teeth as well.
I've got bonded retainers top and bottom, front 6 only. They're barely noticeable, I was used to them almost straight away. I have essix retainers (clear tray type) which I wear nights only, top and bottom. Again, I barely notice them.

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#67 Post by Drama Queen »


Lionfish - thanks for putting my mind at rest about the bonded retainers, I scared myself a little by reading people's experience of bonded retainers (some werent good), but I am going to take your comments on board and hopefully it will be the same for me.

Bracedagain - Yeah i will deffo make sure I am happy with the results before they come off, I have invested too much time, effort and pain for them to be as perfect as they can be. Yep I will deffo post the before and after pictures when it is all over. I cant wait to eat what I want again!

4 weeks and 1 day to go!

Lau xx
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#68 Post by joney »

Congratulations Drama Queen, hopefully I won't be too far behind you, I'm hoping for May for the removal of my top brace. Nice feeling isn't it.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#69 Post by Drama Queen »

Hi Joney,

Thanks! Fingers crossed you get your removal date for May soon. Yeah it is a nice feeling, but still can't quite believe it, dont think I will until they are finally off. Am still scared that I will turn up and he will say he has changed his mind! I am so pessimistic!

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
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#70 Post by Drama Queen »

2 weeks and 3 days till they come off......feels like the longest 2 weeks and 3 days ever!!!!!!!!!!

Lau x
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
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#71 Post by Drama Queen »

Well 9 days to go until they come off. Seems so close yet still so far away. Today was my 20th brace anniversary. I am still really worried that I will turn up on my de-bracing day and he changes his mind, I am even having anxiety dreams about it! I had a dream that I turned up at my ortho and he turned me away and another night I had a dream that one of my teeth just fell out and there was blood everywhere - i woke up in a cold sweat!

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
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#72 Post by Drama Queen »

hey Ken,

Yeah I hope those dreams don't come true either and were just dreams and not premonitions!

Finger crossed that by this time next week they will be off!

Lau xx
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#73 Post by M1k3y »

Woohoo! I bet you are super excited. I know I was.
Braced 5-27-06 - 18 months with braces
Case 1 - minor crookedness
Envision Composite Brackets
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#74 Post by Bekah »

Drama Queen wrote:Well 9 days to go until they come off. Seems so close yet still so far away. Today was my 20th brace anniversary. I am still really worried that I will turn up on my de-bracing day and he changes his mind, I am even having anxiety dreams about it! I had a dream that I turned up at my ortho and he turned me away and another night I had a dream that one of my teeth just fell out and there was blood everywhere - i woke up in a cold sweat!

Lau xx
I thought I was the only one who had dreams that my teeth fell out! That is actually what prompted me to get my lazy butt to the dentist for the first time in two years! After getting my gums healthy, I decided to go for braces!

Don't worry when you braces come off your smile will be gorgeous!
2 Years 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days in full metal braces!


Click on "WWW" for my braces story!

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#75 Post by Drama Queen »


Thanks for the good luck ken

Mik3y - Yeah I am really excited but I dont think that it will really hit me until it is all over!

Bekah - Thats really good that those dreams prompted you get your teeth looked at, it will all be worth it in the end - good luck! I havent had anymore dreams about my teeth yet, so far so good!

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
Braces off on 3 April 2008

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