Fully Braced now ~ I'm naked

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#61 Post by ThisIsMary »

Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is the doctor is afraid my jaw has formed this way and he may not be able to fix the cross bite. He tried expanding the wire even further but I'm not so sure it's going to work because I haven't felt any sort of pressure or discomfort so I don't think it's moving. The good news is he said I would most likely get my braces off in 2 or 3 months. If the cross bite isn't fixed by then, he's going to put an expander in my retainer and try and fix the cross bite that way. He was going to put an expander on earlier but it would interfere with singing so this way I can take it out when I sing. I’m finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel


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#62 Post by ThisIsMary »

Oh, I forgot to mention that I don't have to wear power chains any more on the bottom! Apparently my bottom teeth are corrected and nothing else needs to be done. The asst took a wire and wrapped it over and under my brackets and then put the arch wire over top of that. She said this would hold everything in place until my braces were off. I just thought I'd share. It always nice to know one part of the journey is over


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#63 Post by ThisIsMary »

well, I go back for another adjustment on July 15th and I"m hoping the doctor will still be planning on removing my braces soon. He said last time he wanted to try expanding the wire further to see if he could get the cross bite to budge but that's all the needs to be done. As I expected, the cross bite has not moved at all. I'm hoping this means they'll go ahead and take off my braces and give me a retainer with an expander in it and maybe that will work. Anyway, I'm just get more excited as each day goes by becasue i know it's one day closer to getting my braces off


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#64 Post by ThisIsMary »

Well, I had my adjustment date wrong; I actually go in on the 13th which is this Thursday. I can't wait to go back hear what the ortho will say. Last visit he said my braces would be off in 2 to 3 months, well one month has gone by so that means it could be as little as one month and I could be naked :dance: . I can't wait, I want to go in and have him tell me to make a de-banding appt. I'm not sure how my retainer is going to work though. Apparently I'll have an expander in my retainer. Has anyone else ever had this? I'm guessing I'll have that until my bite is corrected and then get a regular Hawley or essix. I'm hoping for one of each because I'd like to wear the essix during the day and the hawley at night. Anyway, can you tell I’m getting anxious? It seems like time is standing still.


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#65 Post by ThisIsMary »

Well, it wasn't that great of an adjustment. They went up once again in the gage of my arch wire. In fact, it's so thick that it would barely fit in my brackets. The asst told me that no one ever got this thick of a wire but they're hoping it will expand my arch and fix the cross bite. The funny thing was while she was putting it in, which by the way, I thought she was going to dislocate my jaw as well as break my teeth, she said " We should just use a coat hanger, it would be about the same thickness" The sad part is, this thick of a wire doesn't come in tooth colored wire so for the first time, I have metal up top that's visible. I'm just hoping this will finally be it and this wire will be what it takes to fix my bite. I go back on August 10 so hopefully it will be corrected by then so I can get these things off.


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#66 Post by ThisIsMary »

Guess what...I have a de-banding date! I went in today and the ortho decided it was best to go ahead and remove my braces and try to fix the cross bite with an expander in the retainer. So, today they took x-rays and scheduled a day for impressions and then had me schedule a date for 3 weeks after that to get them removed. They told me as long as my doctor liked the x-rays I will get them off. My date is September 27, even though its a little ways away, I'm still thrilled :jump:


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#67 Post by ThisIsMary »

So is it normal for time to stop once you have finally be given a date to get your braces removed? I feel like I'm turning into an impatient person. September 27th will come eventually and hopefully the removal won't be delayed.


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#68 Post by ThisIsMary »

Well, I just got back from my appt. and the molds were made. Everything's a go for getting my braces removed September 27. I can't believe I'm actually getting them off! One thing I didn't know they were going to do at this appt. was take my molar bands off. In fact, I didn't even realize that they were taking the bands off until they had removed the first 2 because it didn't hurt or anything. I also got to choose my retainer colors. I picked hot pink for the top and orange for the bottom.


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#69 Post by ThisIsMary »

only one week from today and my braces wil be off. I"m so excited


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#70 Post by ThisIsMary »

Thanks for the comments! The excitement builds everyday! Only 6 more days! :-*


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#71 Post by ThisIsMary »

Tomorrow is the big day. I'll be going in at 9:00 in the morning to get my braces off. I can't believe the time has finally come. Anyway, I'll get some pictures up as soon as possible.


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#72 Post by Matty »

Yay!! Congrats! :banana: Good luck tomorrow.

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#73 Post by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01 »

AHHHH GOOD LUCK! Hope you have a good debanding. Tell us everything, cause I'm getting there in 7 days :D
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#74 Post by xtrememkovr »

congrats! It's so strange to see folks de-banding when I have yet to start...It's truly inspiring and envy provoking. :) Can't wait to see pictures - before and after pictures just excite me these days!!!


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#75 Post by ThisIsMary »

Being naked is so wonderful. Sorry I haven't posted yet, I never had anytime yesterday. I'm going to give you all the details and some before and after pictures later this afternoon when I can get back on. I will say one thing, it was worth every minute of being braced.


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