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yet another newbie!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:34 pm
by phoenix
hi there! phoenix here, 24-yr old yuppie girl from manila, philippines.

I got my braces april 1 of last year, and so far there has been a huge change already on my teeth.

my lower teeth are almost done, but i've got a fairly big overbite. so right now i've got gaps on both sides of my two front teeth. [therefore, having a company id photo shoot yesterday was a huge challenge.... :lol: ]

my biggest worry is whether my bite would ever line up, but browsing through all your posts is really of big help to me.

strangely, i've never really had much trouble with having my braces on. never needed to change my diet because i can only eat soft foods and such. i pretty much eat the same things i did when i didn't have my braces. hmm.... maybe it's because i've got a fairly high threshhold for pain...

my orthodontist tells me that i've got about a year to go, so looks like i'll be hanging out with you guys for a while. lucky for me that this board seems full of a nice bunch of metal-mouthed people. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:41 pm
by Flora2006
Welcome to the board. Everyone here is great. I'm glad to hear that things are going well with the braces :)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:24 pm
by phoenix
thanks for the warm welcome KK and Flora2006!
KK wrote:Hi and welcome phoenix,
I thought I might loose a little weight when I first got braces, but like you I've had hardly any discomfort and only a few days of not wanting to eat as I usually do!
when i got my first adjustment, one of my orthodontist's assistants didn't recognize me because i actually gained weight. :lol:

guess we're one of the lucky ones.