48 and finally getting braces

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48 and finally getting braces

#1 Post by SHORTIN1 »

Hello to all. This is my first post although I've been viewing this web site all winter. I decided to investigate braces last summer and I've been working with a periodontist to get my gums in shape. Two rounds of grafting, one in Jan and one in Feb. It's now just a matter of healing till the spacers, bands, and braces go on in May. I've been reluctant to tell people that I'm getting braces...... I was sure something would not work out or the ortho would decide my teeth were just toooo awful to be straightened. I'm so excited and just cannot wait to begin. I always thought as I got older I would just get used to my crooked teeth but in fact the older I get the more they bother me. When I told my Mom she said "That will do wonders for your self confidence". (Who knows us better?) The ortho is estimating 3 yrs in braces. The time doesn't bother me at all. If I had done this 3 yrs ago I'd be finished already. My husband is being very supportive, as he always is. When I mentioned the cost he told me "If it's what you want to do .......go for it." I've read different articles on how as women we have a hard time believing that we are entitled to or that we deserve certain things. Well this is my time and this is for ME. All those who love me will surely benefit simply because I feel soooo good about this. My introduction is a hodge podge of thoughts and feelings. I'm sure I'll have loads of questions as I get started with my treatment.

Posts: 1088
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:39 pm

#2 Post by Flora2006 »

Welcome to the board and congratualtions on getting your braces soon. This board is full of people who will give you great advice and show you much support. Keep us upated with how everyone goes. :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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