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I found you all! New too...

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:18 am
by mrs z
My name is Loretta and I am 37 years old and am getting my braces on April 19th, a week from today. I went in yesterday for the spacers and thought "what have I done?!" They are driving me nuts, but are not hurting me like they told me they would...but I've been taking Motrin round the clock since I left the office.
So, I am getting clear brackets on top and they told me they can't do clear on the bottom but I didn't get a reason. Is that how it goes? I am also getting gold instead of silver because my husband thinks it looks less harsh. :lol:
I will have to wear them for about 20 months! :shock: I never had braces before, the ortho said I didn't need them, but wisdom teeth, time and pregnancies changed all that. My bottom teeth shifted and will get worse unless I stop it now. And I was told I will pretty much wear retainers forever. At least I didn't have to have teeth removed. The ortho is going to make room but filing them down, I forget what that's called.
I am sort of anxious about all of this and feel funny when i go in the office and the parents are my age there with their kids! Funny...anyway, I have rambled enough. I am happy to have found this site so I have friends to commiserate with.


Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:24 pm
by mrs z
Thanks for the welcome! I am happy to see so many adults going for treatment!