Finally got a B-day...

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Finally got a B-day...

#1 Post by Flutterfly »

Hi ya! I'm Bree and I'll finally be getting braced at 25yrs old.
This is something I've been wanting for a long time now and have been putting it off. I've seen my dentist (Dr. Foulk) a lot so far this year, he's been getting me on the road to oral health so that I could finally go to the ortho and figure out the best plan for me. My Orthodontist (Dr. Metts) said that my issue is a small mouth which has made my teeth very crowded and that my bite is slightly off. Two weeks ago I had my upper bicuspids extracted so that my kanines can move down into place, and I must say that it was the oddest feeling to have perfectly good teeth pulled out of your gums. But at least thats over with - it wasn't bad at all, I didn't need any pain meds afterwards. So my brace day is Tuesday May 2nd! I'm so excited but yet I am nervous too. I plan on eating as much as I can hold this weekend :wink:. Hopefully I can handle the pain that is soon to come. I know that I'll be taking tons of pics - so I will post them asap.

Thanks for reading!

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#2 Post by missingu »


I know what you mean about having a small mouth. For any dental or orthodontic procedure I ask them just to start with the pediatric size (like for impressions or the dreaded cheek retractor) and inevitably that is the size that fits. Knowing to suggest they start pediatric has actually helped make things more comfortable because otherwise they are trying to force something in that should fit an adult, but alas, doesn't and it hurts and takes time.

I am glad you mentioned about feeling weird about having perfectly good teeth pulled. I had teeth pulled long, long ago so it is all a distant memory, then a few months ago I had one pulled because of a fractured root (1st molar). BUT, on May 3 I have to get an incisor pulled, right in the middle of my lower teeth, to make room for bringing the teeth back due to crowding. I am dreading those few days between Wed. when the "perfectly good tooth" (which it is) is pulled and 5 days later when I get braced; I simply cannot imagine what I will look like with a gaping hole right in the middle of my lower jaw!

Enough about me. I look forward to hearing about you and your "braces day".

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#3 Post by belmikry »

congrats on starting the journey! :) any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! :)
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#4 Post by x3trinity »

Hi Bree! :D Congratulations on getting braced! :-)o It will be well worth it in the end. Let us know all about your visit tomorrow! :thumbsup:

"God's love is always with you, God's promises are true."

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#5 Post by Flutterfly »

Hi everyone - thanks for all the welcomes and well wishes!

So here is how MY day went. First I had to wake up two hrs before my appointment to take the tablet that dries your mouth out - So I get to the office at 9:15am - they take a few mouth pictures up close then some headshots and profiles. Once I get into the chair, the assistance shows me all the appliances that are about to be a part of me - I mentioned that the brackets looked smaller than I imagined, and she stated that they are using the smallest size on me that they have. Good news :D
The Doc explains a few things, then sits down and goes to work. He started by polishing all my teeth, then I rinsed. Next he dried one tooth at a time (starting on the bottom), wiped with flouride, dried the tooth again, cemented and placed the bracket. He didnt use those lip spreader things on me though (maybe since my mouth is so small ???) he just held that part of my mouth/lip open while it dried. From there he moved up to the top row, blah blah blah. I had to rinse once more. He then started with the wires, marking them, cutting them and finally placing them on. Once the assistant put the first couple of ligs on I could instantly feel some pressure. He tied some clear elastic to both of my top canines and attatched them to molars on the top arch, he said this will help pull the canines down and back into my extraction spaces. Nothing hurt though. After an hour an a half of sitting in that chair, I was all done. The assistant told me all about how to brush and floss, gave me a goodie bag and I was out of there. It's now 10:30 pm and I still don't have any real pain, just some aches here and there, some tenderness, and some pressure. Some of it comes and goes. The only pain meds that I have taken so far was some Aleve at 11:00 this morning and that was just to have it in my system before the pain hit me. Well I'm sure that Aleve has wore off by now and I'm not in pain - nothing bad enough to take medicine for anyway :) Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet - it may come tomorrow or the next day, but I hope not. I took the day off from work, thinking that I would be in pain and since I wasn't I went in for half my shift. So far I have eaten mashed potatoes, pudding and very soft cheese pizza. Brushing and flossing are very time consuming but I'm sure I'll get use to that with time. My camera batteries are charging at the moment - so I will try and post some pics tomorrow.

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Joined: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:16 pm

#6 Post by Flutterfly »

I normally would never show anyone my teeth before - but now that I'm working on getting them fixed, it's alright - hopefully these crazy teeth will move into their new places soon - ha.

So here they are in all their crowded glory...

Bare teeth

1st day braced!

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