Aussie newbie.... needing a little help..

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Aussie newbie.... needing a little help..

#1 Post by Chantel »

Hi everyone,

I've only just discovered this forum (just in time too) I want to get braces on within the next 2 months maximum, and by the looks of things I've come to the right place.

And I'm going from being absolutely terrified to being a little bit excited about it all as well.

At the moment I'm just trying to get *estimated* quotes from othodontists and it's a bit daunting to say the least, none of my friends have had them and as I live in Sydney it's every man for himself. I've gotten quotes from Dr. Wasilewsky and Dr. Kerry Lester and they have given me ranges for consultation around $150 - $500 and the actual braces from $5,000 - $9,000.

I don't know if that is the right kind of price range for the Sydney area and was just hoping that a few of the Aussie's on this fourm (particularly the Sydney ones :) would be able to point me in the right direction of an EXCELLENT orthodontist they use, or know about around the City / Northern Suburbs area (but am willing to travel within reason).

I hope my little ramble made sense to a few people :) I'm quite anxious about getting them on and want to get some soon.

Thanks again

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#2 Post by Chantel »

Thanks KK for the speedy reply.

I'm kinda expecting to pay around $5,000 - $7,000 for the braces, hopefully no more than that, I want ceramics (or clear) on the top and metal on the bottom, I understand you can't have ceramic top and bottom or is that the clear? :) there is so much information on this website! it's great.

Good to see a lot of aussie's on here as well, hope to catch you around soon. And I will write a post when I have an update on what I decide to do

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#3 Post by Chantel »

Thanks Karen,

Yeah I think ceramic's (or clear) are the way to go for the top teeth, my bottom's dont show when talking so I dont think I'll have much issues with those. I'm going to make the consultation appointment within the next few weeks which i'm a bit anxious about, but once I've been through that it should be fin =) I guess I'm just nervous about what the ortho will say about treatment!

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#4 Post by Chantel »

Just another question... haha there's so many.

I'm thinking I'm going to try and get into the ortho to get the actual braces done (once we're finished with consultations etc) on a friday mid afternoon, that way it gives me the weekend to get used to them etc, is this more adviseable?

What i'm trying to say is, if i got it done during the week would it be hard to go to work, answering phones, running around etc? I guess people are different with pain thresholds etc, but I just don't want to be sitting at my desk in pain...:) thanks

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#5 Post by swellen »

I'm in Melbourne now but was in Sydney when I had braces, and saw Dr Wasilewsky for a quote/consultation. I didn't end up going with him, but for other reasons that had nothing to do with him. I was happy with his quote and treatment plan. I saw him because he was recommended by a friend who raved about how great he was. She moved here from America mid-treatment and he picked it up with no problems - and also took her wire off for the day when she got married, then opened the surgery specially for her the next day to put it back on before they went off on their honeymoon! So I can't personally recommend him but I can give a favourable second-hand recommendation.

As for when to get the braces, a Friday is a good idea. You might have some pain and it can also sometimes take a while to get used to eating and speaking, so give yourself a couple of days.

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#6 Post by Chantel »

Thanks so much Swellen! I was favouring more towards Dr. Wasilewsky just due to costs and I got a referal from my normal dentist who said he was really great, and from the rave reviews you gave, it sounds like he's a really great orthodontist, and will make an appointment to see him in the next few weeks, can't wait to write and keep everyone updated on my progress, it's a bit exciting for me now, but I know it won't be once I get those suckers on!!

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#7 Post by swellen »

Thanks so much Swellen! I was favouring more towards Dr. Wasilewsky just due to costs and I got a referal from my normal dentist who said he was really great, and from the rave reviews you gave, it sounds like he's a really great orthodontist, and will make an appointment to see him in the next few weeks, can't wait to write and keep everyone updated on my progress, it's a bit exciting for me now, but I know it won't be once I get those suckers on!!
He's quite popular so you might find you have to wait quite a number of weeks to see him... so ring up as soon as you can. Also, don't be surprised if you don't see that much of him - on my initial consultation I only saw him for ten minutes or so and spent the rest of the time with one of the ... um... assistants, I guess, but she called herself something else. She was very helpful. However, seeing the ortho so briefly might have put me off if I hadn't had a good recommendation from my friend. Obviously I would have seen more of him had I continued with treatment there.

Oh, it will still be exciting when you get the braces on because then you'll be checking your teeth every 20 seconds or so to see if they've moved! And it's very exciting when you realise they have.

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#8 Post by Chantel »

Yes I'm guessing it will be a while before I get in, but I guess that's just one of the downfalls to going in the City as well. I spoke to the receptionist at the clinic and asked her if Dr. Wasilewsky see's me everytime, she said the majority of the time yes, every second thursday he has an assistant (young asian doctor) that comes in and does some appointments but said if I wanted to see only Dr. Wasilewsky that they could note that down.

I think I would prefer if the specialist orthodontist saw me everytime, just so they had a bearing on things etc, it would be a bit confusing having 2 - 3 people dealing with my teeth I should imagine!

I'm going to ring up and make the consultation tomorrow, will let you know how I go with times for consultations etc.


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#9 Post by Chantel »

Okay, just a little progress report. I just rang the clinic and I'm booked in on Wednesday 7th June at 9am for the intial consultation, I'm really a bit frightened now! probably just due to the costs and things like that, I understand that his clinic will let me do quarterly repayments though so that sounds a bit better, i.e. not paying one lump sum! The receptionist was really helpful and said she'd send out a pack with alot of information about it all. Only 2 1/2 weeks to wait :)

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#10 Post by Willz »

Hey! I'm in Adelaide and its costing me $5550 and I have the clear ones that the top and metal on the bottom (I had no choice in the metal :() I went back to work that day (although I was locked in my office lol). I found they didn't give me many probs until the day after. Thats when they started to rub and feel tight, but wax helped.

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#11 Post by lionfish »

Hi Chantel,

I'm in Sydney and as far as costs go, I was quoted around $7,000 for a combination of ceramics (upper) and metal (lower). I think it also depends on the nature of the problem to be corrected. I ended up with lingual uppers and ceramic lowers. Linguals added to the cost, because they're custom made and require particular technical skills to manipulate.

I got one quote only (the ortho was referred by my long term dentist, someone I trust implicitly) and I had to wait 8 weeks for an appointment. I know this goes against the conventional wisdom of getting multiple quotes, but I felt comfortable with this bloke, the office seemed very friendly (and has since been accommodating of my little "accidents"), I talked to another patient who'd used him and the price was in the ballpark. I think the consult was around $300, which included taking of Xrays, moulds, photos, the lot.

I had my upper braces fitted on a Tuesday morning and went back to work with no ill effects. But if you're unsure, starting on a Friday is a good idea. I would also not plan any steak dinners for that weekend, just in case.

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#12 Post by Chantel »

Thanks alot lionfish for the advice.

Where abouts in Sydney is your orthodontist. I rang around and got a few quotes off a few orthodontists mainly in the city and also a few in North Sydney, the further out you go though and it gets a little harder to get to and you don't know what their services are really like. I think i'm going to stick to this orthodontist, my dentist said he was great and I've already got one recommendation off this thread about him, so far so good. I'm a little scared of the pricing factor but I guess I won't find out what it's going to be until the consult!

Thanks again and hope your braces journey is quick and painless :)

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#13 Post by lionfish »

No problems, Chantel.

My ortho is in Chatswood.

I hope my braces journey is quick and painless too!!

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#14 Post by New2Braces »

I'm from Tasmania
And my initial quote that I recieved was $5100 for the braces ($1200 deposit at the beginning of the treatment and 26 monthly payments of $150) - I'm getting metal braces - and have already had the X-Rays. I'm still not sure whether or not I'll need extractions - I guess I'll find that out when I see my ortho next month.

Love, Stace xox

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#15 Post by JumpTheDitch »

So there's a few of us flying the flag here!

I'm in Melbourne, paying $4500 for my all-metal ortho treatment; $1000 when braces went on, tri-monthly installments that. Price includes 'records' (moulds, etc) and retainers but not initial consult, x-rays or extractions. All up it would still be under $5000 so not too bad. I didn't get more than one consult (didn't know I should), just went with the referral from my dentist. So far so good. Nice to see a few of us metal-mouthed Aussies (maybe that should read 'Antipodeans' KK) here.

Good luck to all! :thumbsup:




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