Two days in braces, only two more years to go!

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Two days in braces, only two more years to go!

#1 Post by purple »

Hi All,

I am female, 30 years old and as of two days ago now a proper metal mouth!

I just wanted to say that I am really impressed with this site. really informative and above all really encouraging.

I toyed with the idea of straightening my teeth for years and kept putting it off thinking i was too 'old'. I had no idea that some many adults take the plunge!

It wasnt until my sister (who is four years older) got braces a few years ago to correct her teeth after an accident, that i thought, if she can do it, so can I.

I have moderate crowding on the bottom and an overbite on top. She wanted to remove four teeth to make room and i pleaded with her to try and file first but she said that to correct the overbite they'd have to go.

I was very nervous about that having had no signficant dental work done before but I did it last month and I am sure when the pain of the braces dissipates and i get used to them it will all be worth it....

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