Private Consultation Pt.1

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Private Consultation Pt.1

#1 Post by Ready2go43 »

Had a consultation with a private ortho yesterday,following 4 consultations with NHS ones,my god there is no comparison,no sat waiting around for hours and was treated like a person not just another number,anyway this is my first visit which involved the ortho having a good look at my teeth,moulds taken and lots of photos of my profile,teeth etc.that was the worse bit as I hate having my picture taken LOL.
I was actually told thet my bite was worse the I had thought it was,I know I have a bad crossbite as my upper molars are inside the lowers,lower front crowding,lower pre-molars outside upper pre-molars,in fact it was a bit of a shock to find out exactly how bad they were,anyway the good news is they can be fixed,but apparently it wont be quick or easy,so I was told I would need upper and lower fixed braces and a quad-helix.
I had already made up my mind before I went that I wanted metal brackets,not because they are a bit cheaper,but every ortho I have seen has told me that they are a bit quicker,more controllable and not such a pig to remove,personally I dont like the tooth coloured brackets anyway,I do not think they are that discrete,anyway have to go back in two weeks for x-rays and the detailed treatment plan(cant wait,what am I letting myself in for)oh yes,straight teeth and the ability to be able to chew food properly.
I do not want anyone to take my comment on non-metal brackets personally,it is just personal preference,and recommendation,I will post a couple of pics of my choppers nearer the time,when I know exactly was the plan of action is,keep smiling and best wishes :wink:

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#2 Post by maf »

Yep, I don't like having my photo taken either, so having a front and side view pic made me cringe (close-ups of my teeth are okay, though).

I have enamel-colored brackets at the front of my mouth and metal ones around the sides which aren't visible. Personally, I prefer at least to make the brackets less noticeable to other people (being a shy, anxious person), so I'm happier with them.

The total cost for my treatment is AU$5396.

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