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Its about time!!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:31 pm
by At last
Well first off my name is Holly and my story sounds alot like most of yours, but I am finally taking the road that I have been waiting to go down for many years. Braces!! I am excited but scared and nervous all at once. :? I havent even told alot of my friends or family. Just a select few... I know seems stupid, but everyone around me knows better than to bring up my teeth and so now I cant bring it up!! lol So I suppose alot of them will have a bit of a shock when they see me after the 21st. I just found this site and have been reading stuff on here all day long. I look forward to talking with some adults (Im 24) who are going through much of what I am going through!!

Soon enough I will be able to use this face in real life!!! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:33 pm
by lionfish
Hi there and welcome.

I'm a bit like you, decided not to broadcast at large the fact that I was getting braces. Some people have spotted them, most have not. There may be some initial comment, but then they move on. I think that while our teeth and treatment may be of interest to us, they are of zero interest to others!

Good luck for tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:08 pm
by bill
I told no one but this forum...well and some family...most people don't care, don't want to know and many are down right rude when they find out! I take silence as not being rude.

But here...well everyone is supportive and you just feel at home with the commonality. Great group and they don't pick on me when I get too goofy. :crazy:

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:57 am
by At last
Thank you so much to everyone that has replied!! I am getting more and more nervous as the day gets closer, but I think I am ready!! I cant wait to get this process started and I hope the two years just fly by lol!! Anyway I can tell that this site is going to be a life savor... it has already made me anticipate so much... I will post some before and after pics tomorrow once I get the whole thing over with... so prepare yourselves!!

Wish me luck guys!!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:42 am
by At last
I cant believe that today is the day. I am sooo freaking nervous... I think I am getting "cold feet" I really hope that everything goes well... Im not even close to ready to see what it may look like....