I'll be new to the club as of July 13

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I'll be new to the club as of July 13

#1 Post by Bridget »

Hi everone!

I am really pleased that I found this site by recommendation of someone from a German Braces site! I was struggling to finally find a serious page about braces and not just pages for "brace lovers".

First of all, I would like to introduce myself to your great community: my name is Brigitte, I am 31 and from Germany.

When I was a teenager I used to have fixed braces for a couple of years. However, at that time, rentention was just kept too short and my teeth went back into positions that I do not like too much (my upper front teeth moved forward, creating an "open bite" (don't know if that is the correct expression in English, though) and my lower teeth have slightly rotated due to a too small lower jaw.....

What I always liked about myself was my smile so I thought that I needed to do something here to make it "nice" again.

I was really thinking and thinking a lot, asking my boyfriend what he would think about having a girlfriend wearing braces again...and finally I came to the conclusion to just do it.

So on July 10 I'll get the spacers in and on July 13 I'll get my braces. I chose creamic (clear) braces and really do not know what to expect as as a teenager I had metal braces...so I'll just wait and see.....

The orthodontist predicted that we MIGHT be ready with everything in 9 months.....maybe quicker.....anyway I just brace myself for 9 to 12 months.....and will be just happy if it takes less than that!

However, that's me...and I am looking forward to posting again once my braces are finally "in"

Sunny greetings from Germany! :D

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#2 Post by OneTime »

Welcome back to the journey.

In process...
4 spacer and upper braced 1/10
Spacer removed and fully braced 1/24
Final 05/15/08

At last
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#3 Post by At last »

Hi Bridget

Im new here too and we are getting our braces on about the same time. I go in on the 11th... cept I have to wear these dumb spacers for three weeks.. i hate them, they make me crazy... one fell out last night and i had to call the ortho today and ask about it... she told me not to worry that they would just file that tooth down a little so yay... it was the spacer that was bothering me the most... anyway good luck with everything and keep the posts coming!!

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#4 Post by Bridget »

Hi all and thanks for your kind notes!

"At last" - I am really happy that I do not have to wear those spacers longer than necessary....I hate the feeling of having something stuck between teethy *yuck*

Finally I am really looking forward to the b-day - I want to get over it rather sooner than later...I do not want to risk having second thoughts about it...especially since something might be changing in my job rather soon.

By the way: what was the reaction of your colleagues & bosses when you had your braces on? Surprises? Encouragement???



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welcome (sorta)

#5 Post by llyolf »

I'd say welcome Bridget... but I actually joined after you so it's not like I've been around here that long.... Ahh heck I'll say it anyway... WELCOME!!! :) If you can tell, I'm kinda a ham... I got my braces on yesterday... luckily my ortho went with brackets not bands on my molars so no space invaders for me....

you asked about work/supervisor.... I guess I am an extroverted person.... I came back to work and was showing them off... My smile before braces was part of me (never was fully dressed without out my smile) and continues to be... (Sorry for the Annie annotation)

when you get the spacers... just remember:

The spacers will come out tomorrow...
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow...
They're will be SPACE.


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#6 Post by Bridget »

Hi and good morning!

Little update:

I got those nice, blue spacers (8 of them) in on Monday and they were not really bugging me until this morning. I thought it would be a good idea to enjoy my last pumpkin kernel roll with chocolate spread when I found that it is becoming difficult to chew as these spacers really put pressure on my first little molars (premolars?)

Anyway - now I am looking forward to getting them out and the braces in....ín less than 24 hours I'll be sitting there :-)

I'll let you know how it went!

Sunny greetings!


Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

Posts: 22
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Location: North Central PA

#7 Post by llyolf »

The spacers will come out tomorrow...
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow...
They're will be braces!!!

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#8 Post by Bridget »


How does it go with yours, llyolf by the way?

Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

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Location: North Central PA

#9 Post by llyolf »

Things are good with me... I am two weeks in.... and at times I forget I have them.... I've had tons of movement on the left side of my mouth.... my ortho left the archwire out of the brackets in the farthest back teeth... and snipped them down close to the 2nd to last.... well the wire is pushing on the back brackets.... and I can feel my bight being different... and I've learned the no-no list is only for the teenagers... :lol: :lol:

what else? you've never lived in your "grills" until you've eaten something with spinach in it.... and spend the next hour pickit it out of your grin.... last week I had the Veggie Patch Pizza at Applebees (nice tortilla crust).. it was covered in spinach...

hope it all goes good for ya tomorrow.


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#10 Post by Bridget »

Hi there! Good to hear that things are great at your end!

I guess after all I heard I will just ban spinach and long spaghettis from my diet ;-) and add some ice cream and milk shakes instead!

I'll be back tomorrow with some before and after pics :-)

Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

At last
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#11 Post by At last »

Good luck!!! I cant wait to see!!

Spacers ~ June 21, 2006
All metal Braces ~ Jul 11, 2006
Est. Treatment time ~ 18 months

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#12 Post by pk_girl »

My friends were like, you have braces now.. for the first week, then its just become the norm... except for one of my friends, she is bummed that she didnt get to wear braces (she loves them and is very strange), so everytime I see her I have to show her my braces.


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day 2 pip

#13 Post by pippy »

Hey good luck for today/tomorrow bridget (getting confused with the time zones here!!). Mine are a whole one day old and haven't been traumatised with anything more complicated than soup and oatmeal yet...I'm a wuss and don't want to have to pick it out. You spinach fans are way too brave :)

I've been back already to see my ortho as the front top ones were banging on the bottoms (not a good feeling on day one!) and he'd left a wire poking out at the back that was avoiding all my attempts with wax! And isn't that slippery stuff - ok on the front but interesting to get on the back. Have had more buildng up done at the back to stop the clanging but now I keep biting my tongue. Interesting start!!! Have a couple of springs on the front also that my lip keeps getting stuck on........if I start off with Mt Everest in blue on my molars and bedsprings on the front teeth it can only get better to look at :lol:

My top lip is still all stuck out - got asked if I had an allergy (humph) but the only negative so far has been someone really drawing attention and saying 'ooh I never realised your teeth were so crooked'...yeah cheers for that. Hubby still hasn;t seen them - I've been keeping my mouth shut :wink: Will have to show him soon so he can take pictures.

I reckon I still sound weird but my sister says its OK - I can hear a slight lisp from the back bands....thank goodness I was already nuts!!! :P

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