Emmas braces!! eeek

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Emmas braces!! eeek

#1 Post by Waddles »

Well its just gone 12am and I cant sleep. had a week of spacers and getting my upper and lower ceramic braces fitted tomorrow...v.nervous!

I think its mainly the age thing. Im 30 now and feel a bit embarrased about what people will say I suppose, but in a way im looking forward to finally getting it done after umming and ahhhing for so long about going ahead with them.

This site has been really helpful and all those stories everyone has posted really do help!

I will update this topic in a day or so and hopefully it wont be as bad as I think :oops: :?
Good luck Brace buddies!!

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#2 Post by Bridget »


Hi Waddles!
I hope all is going well with your b-day today!!!! Please post again once you have them on.....I'll get the same in about two weeks time and I feel the same about it....lots of thinking beforehand and now I just want to get over with it ( I am about the same age, too - 31) and had braces as a teenager already...so here I am again!

I just saw a girl (about my age) having ceramic braces and I must say they are really good - hard to see from a distance!

So the best of luck for today and post something soon""""


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#3 Post by babymetalmouth »

I admire all you people that have kids and jobs and genrally family lifes, Before I came on this website I was thinking I was a bit old for braces as Ive just started working and going to college in september. I always though it was mainly People ages 9 - 16 really. People have made me feel so much better about my braces as now I know that all of you have taken the brave step too! I never thought about it before, but I remember when I was about 13, a friend of mine had people calling her names becuase of her braces and I never said anything to stop them, but now Im thinking, but shes making her smile better, shes going to have a wonderful smile and your just going to be the person with horrible crooked teeth that no one likes.

Braces certainly put things in perspective, If anyone is just thinking about braces, please please please dont not get them just becuase what other people might say, at the end of the day, In two years time your going to have perfect teeth and thats worth people staring.

Ive actually met a lady at my ortho and she is the most pretty thing I have ever seen, but she had crooked teeth! I think that lady is amazing! And im so glad shes got braces, It shows inspiration for me. :)

Sam xx

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#4 Post by IntentionallyBlank »


Well done on making the decision. What kind of braces are you getting? Metal or ceramic.

I've hade ceramic uppers for 3 weeks now, i'm a 30 yr old bloke from Belfast, and i'm just about getting used to them. I thought i'd have issues with what other people thought and how they'd react, and I can honestly say that there has been very little reaction to them. I've only had 1 person say anyting about my brace, and i think that was because i was trying to cover it and he noticed my weird smile more than the brace.

Anyone i've told and then shown has said "oh, you can hardly see it" or "well good for you! You have to look after the old gnashers!!". There has not been one derogatory comment or teasing.

I'd thought i'd feel weird going up to strangers and speaking to them for the first time, and that i'd have to be obvious and say "look, i've got a brace! get over it!" to stop the staring and weird looks. Waddles, it doesn't happen!!! I think we dont give other people enough recognition for the maturity they show. Think how you feel and react when you see an adult with a brace? you just get on with the conversation. We, and other people are too concerned with our own mouths and bodily imperfections to really worry about other people's issues!!

Life goes on, after a few weeks you just get used to it. I'm only 3 weeks in out of 9 - 12 months, and already I'm thinking that its gonna be weird when my brace comes off.


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#5 Post by KriegeR »

Hi Waddles.

You are in almost the same situation as me with regards to braces. I'm 29 and a software developer by trade, (which means I do a lot of client visits and demos etc). With the exception of gaining a reprieve from presentations, (phew), I basically carry on pretty much as I did before.

Forgot to mention that I have good old silver metal in my mouth, and it's highly visible because of my condition, (anterior open bite means that I tend to 'gawp' quite a lot and sit around with my mouth open all the time).

You're definitely doing the right thing, and I would say don't worry about age. If anything adults probably get a better image than kids when it comes to braces. My dad always told me that he sees it as a sign of someone who has a definite goal and they aren't afraid to pursue it!

Good luck, and let us know how things go! :thumbsup:

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#6 Post by llyolf »

Waddles: repeat after me in your best Will Smith, MIB voice:

I make this look GOOD!

ok again:
I make this look GOOD!

once more:
I make this look GOOD!


any questions?

Thank you,
Paul (Matt Foley your motivational speaker who lives in a van down by the river)

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#7 Post by sjsarre »

Hi waddles

I'm 31. got Ceramic upper and lowers..

I'm used to them now.. Sometimes I forget they are there... In the first few weeks I did wander what the hell I had gone and done....

Anyway, I went to a bbq on friday just gone. These guys about 5 or 6 years younger than me, kept telling me how sexy braces look on older women!!

that made me feel alot better!



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#8 Post by not2worry39212 »

Hey Waddles,
Congrats on you decision to get braced. I'm 34 years, old married and mother of 2. I work every day and am taking pre-requisite classes to become an RN. Been braced for a little over a month (it's been 20 years coming)...but I'm thankful everyday I took the plunge. Good luck in your journey.



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#9 Post by Waddles »

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all of your kind words. I thought I would do one big reply to all of you rather than lots of little ones..

Well as you know I had my braces fitted last night after a whole day of nerves. I had tooth coloured/clear ceramic braces with white wire and clear bands.

Bridget: Dont worry it wasnt half as bad as I had imagined and I even considered having a little nap while they were fitting the brace but thought it was probably best not! I have to be honest and say my teeth are killing me today but its actually not that bad and a few painkillers have done the job. I am very pleased I went through with it. It feels a bit weird but i think ill get used to it really quickly. Definitely go for it!!

Babymetalmouth: Thanks - its very true and the way im looking at it is if someone thinks my braces are weird then that's their problem! GET OVER IT :o)

Intentiaonallyblank: Words of wisdom - thanks! you were so right. the braces have hardly been mentioned and im sure people at the back of the office haven't even realised. so im feeling really good about it at the moment. At the moment the braces feel humungous but im starting to get used to them.

KreigR: Hi, thanks to you too - everyone has sent such lovely messages. we are pretty much in the same boat I think. I recruit software developers and have lots of interviews and client meetings to attend so I was a bit nervous about that so Im glad to hear its not been a problem for you. and with the silver too! Im not sure what they said about my teeth - something like a 9mm overbite?? i didnt really take in the science part - just went ahead with what they said :o)

llolf: Thanks go out to my motivational speaker! thanks matt this has now become my mantra!!!

sjsarre: Glad your braces are going ok for you. nice to know you can get used to them! I will have to attend a few bbq's I think!!!

KK: Thanks I will keep thinking about the goal and im sure the time will fly by :o)

not2worry39212: Thanks for your message, good luck with your braces too

Well that's my reply done!. Im at work on my lunch break and everyone has been really kind apart from one girl who cant look me in the eye and keeps saying she feels really sorry for me!!! what a gimp!
Anyway that's the report for today. Hope you are all ok. If anyone's thinking about getting them and wants to ask any questions let me know and ill give you an answer. the worst part for me was not knowing what to expect. Catch up with you soon Emma :o)

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#10 Post by Waddles »

KK wrote:Great that your b-day went well Waddles! :thumbsup:

Remember that wax and warm salt water rinses are great to help your mouth feel better and prevent mouth sores. The salt water will soothe, heal and toughen! :jump:

Your attitude is sounding really positive and that's a great way to begin this journey! Every best wish for loads of progress! :banana:

Thanks KK!!
Had a good day so far. painkillers doing a good job, apart from making me want to sleep at my desk! got a few areas right at the back that are starting to rub a bit so I will pop some wax on I think.
Also banged one tooth with another just now which wasnt so nice.
Im just picturing my "captain america" teeth that I will have when this is done :o)

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#11 Post by moonchick »

Hi Waddles! Welcome and congrats on getting your braces! I'm 31 and I've had my ceramics on my uppers and lowers for a little over a month now. So far, a most of my friends hadn't noticed them. The two that did commented that they're hardly visible.

KK gave great advice about rinsing with salt water and using dental wax to help with the sores.

Once again, congrats and you can look forward to having a great smile when it's all over!

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#12 Post by nix »

Just wanted to say well done you! Have had mine for 5 weeks now, and you'll be amazed at how supportive people can be! Apart from that gimp at your office! :lol:

It's good to see so many people from the UK on here - how come I never see any adults with braces out and about huh??!! Having said that, it's amazing who comes out of the woodwork and tells you they had work done a few years ago. And these people have amazing teeth and ALL say it's worth it! A couple of women at work are even considering braces now to resolve what I would call minor imperfections - I have started a trend!

Best of luck - look forward to reading your posts and looking for support along our journeys!

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#13 Post by Waddles »

nix wrote:Just wanted to say well done you! Have had mine for 5 weeks now, and you'll be amazed at how supportive people can be! Apart from that gimp at your office! :lol:

It's good to see so many people from the UK on here - how come I never see any adults with braces out and about huh??!! Having said that, it's amazing who comes out of the woodwork and tells you they had work done a few years ago. And these people have amazing teeth and ALL say it's worth it! A couple of women at work are even considering braces now to resolve what I would call minor imperfections - I have started a trend!

Best of luck - look forward to reading your posts and looking for support along our journeys!
Thanks for the message Nix. Today's been good and no one has commented on the braces at all today. Woke up this morning and they felt fairly comfortable obviously still very tender and achy but nothing major. I didn't even have to take a painkiller till about 11.30.
I notice more people with braces now as im always on the lookout and you're right about people with straight teeth, I had just assumed they had always had lovely teeth and so many of them had braces at some point.
So how have you found the first 5 weeks and have you noticed any movement yet or does it take longer?

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#14 Post by nix »

Oh yes - lots of movement! You'll be amazed! Just to warn you though, it can kind of look worse before it gets better - like I have a gap now where there was none before...but I guess all movement is good. I have one crooked tooth which has yet to swing round, but all the others are fairly straight anyway and actually need to be moved forward as they lean back at present. So I figure the gap will close up as the other teeth move forward to join together!

Glad you weren't too uncomfortable today - the pain really does ease off. x

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