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I'm new here...

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:12 pm
by caligurl
Hello Everyone.

I am happy to know that I am not the only adult with braces. :D I have been wanting braces for a long time but was always scared to get them. The dentist told me that I did not need braces but I wanted that "perfect" smile. I was very nervous during my consult and felt very old after seeing all the teenagers in the waiting room. My orthodontist was very nice and his staff made me feel welcome.

I was fully braced on 06/26/2006 and it wasn't too bad. The solution they put on my teeth tasted really sour. Being a 29 yr old single woman with braces is quite scary.
I will be hanging out with some friend friday night for the first time with my braces, so it will be interesting to see some of the reactions I get. Everyone at my job has been very supportive. The pain isn't too bad I have just been eating alot of soup, smoothies, and taking advil.

I am sooooo glad I found this site!!!!! :D I will definately be taking advantage of all the support.


Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:59 pm
by Bridget
Hi there and congratulations to your decision!
I am still waiting for my b-day which is in exactly 2 weeks!
Let us know how it went on Friday and how the reactions where. However I believe that braces on adults are getting more and more common nowadays

So good luck!


Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:56 am
by KriegeR
Hi Caligurl.

Good choice on your decision. You should never let age be a barrier to things like this. I'm 30 and I have had braces on since August 2005. If it wasn't for the nature of my problem, I do sometimes wonder whether I would have ever bother. However with forums like this around, it makes you realise just what you're missing! :)

Just in response to your post. The sour stuff they put on your teeth is a very mild acid. They basically use it to clean the fronts of your teeth, and give the bonding something to stick to, (teeth are actually quite shiny, and sticky things (apart from toffee and chocolate cake), don't usually adhere to them very well).

Anyway good luck with the braces, and keep us informed about what's going on! :)

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:52 am
by elissasmilz
Speaking as a 28 yr old single woman who has been wearing braces for almost a year now, braces have little or no effect on dating unless you allow them to. I was worried about dating while having braces and truly it has been a non-issue. If anything, they have been good conversation starters. Good luck to you.