another new victim

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another new victim

#1 Post by pippy »

Hi there, 33 yr old Aussie/irish nutter getting voluntarily wired up for the next 30 months on Wednesday. Have spent many happy hours wandering through this website already trying to figure it all out....and whether or not I could just put up with them they way they were :) I have my lovely Irish background to blame for my ultra crooked, crossbitten and overbitten teeth. Had to laugh when I saw the ortho photos....amazing that you can convince yourself they don't look that bad..until you see a photo!!! Can't believe after all I've read and how excited I am about starting finally that I am still so nervous!! My teeth look so crap without braces i am really nervous how bad it will look with them!! And after the past 6 weeks post extractions and spaces (which really weren't that bad at all in spite of me having teeth you can't even get floss between!) I'm already fed up with the sludge diet. Really hoped I'd be able to have a post extraction grub fest before bracing but its not going to happen now...... :cry:

Not much chance of me losing weight on this little adventure...already become addicted to dairy...ncie soft fattening cheesses, milkshakes and its amazing what you can manage to eat if you squish it in icecream!! Wish I was so inventive when it came to ways of getting fruit and veg in!!!

Will post some nice scary pictures after Wednesday - thanks for the stories here to date which have already made this decision easier

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#2 Post by Bridget »

Hi there and best of luck for Wednesday!!! I am looking forward to reading how it went!!!!!

I'll be getting my spacers in 9 hours time...and although I was looking forward to the braces day, I am a little nervous now!

All the best to you!

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reply from pippy

#3 Post by pippy »

Hi and thanks for the responses. Oops sorry Bridget, didn't mean to make anyone else feel nervous!!! The spacers are a breeze - first day is a bit annoying but I've had them in a week now and have forgotten they are there - hope the braces are as easy to ignore!!!

One day to B-day - Massaman Thai Curry and red wine by the bucket tonight :lol: ...who cares if I still can't chew it on my gaps, I'll have enough enthusiasm to gum it to death!!

AM really excited (as well as nervous) - I'll end up unemployed if I keep thinking about teeth instead of work :wink:

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#4 Post by Bridget »

Hi Pippy°

I wish you good luck for Wednesday! And no worries - it was not your post that made me nervous - I did that myself!!!

I guess we should be looking forward to it as it will be the start of a great smile!!!

Sunny greetings!


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Re: another new victim

#5 Post by maf »

Originally posted by pippy Hi there, 33 yr old Aussie/irish nutter getting voluntarily wired up for the next 30 months on Wednesday.
Best wishes for tomorrow, pippy :)
Originally posted by pippy Had to laugh when I saw the ortho photos....amazing that you can convince yourself they don't look that bad..until you see a photo!!!
My orthodontist sent me photos in the post; I though they were for his office reference only, and it sure gave me a fright when I opened the envelope and saw my own crooked mouth looking at me. Urk.

I also spent years trying to believe my smile wasn't as bad as it is/was - which never really worked. Of course, financially, I couldn't do anything about it (until recently), but I lived with it.

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#6 Post by pippy »

Well the deed is done, I am now a human cheese grater. Have Clarity brackets top and bottom so they aren't too visible but blimey can you see the wires!! My teeth were so crooked it looks like he did origami with the archwire! Still getting used to the feeling - thought I needed a lip extension first ...but thats wearing off!! Go back to looking forward to it Bridget, its a breeze.

A million thanks to KK for the tip about the loo!!!!!

Now we have the waiting game of seeing how long it takes my husband to notice I've had it done :lol: am betting I can get through at least one day before he notices - will get him to take some charming photos then.

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#7 Post by Bridget »

Hey Pippy!

Good to hear that everything went fine!!!! And - did your husband notice them right away??? Or are you still waiting for his reaction???

How about eating?? Is it okay so far?????

Looking forward to hearing your news!

Sunny greetings!


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food adventure

#8 Post by pippy »

Hi Bridget

I've been a little cowardly - haven't tried real food yet, just soupy stuff that can't possibly get stuck!! interesting when you whack your brackets with the spoon though!!

Hubby noticed something was up but still hasn't seen them tee hee, my front springs nearly gave the game away coz I was trying to talk to him and my top lip got stuck up on a spring - not the ideal way to try to hide them!!! :?

All going OK other than that - no sore mouth yet...those Clarity brackets are excellent!! Hope your appointment goes really well!!

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Re: food adventure

#9 Post by maf »

Originally posted by pippy I've been a little cowardly - haven't tried real food yet, just soupy stuff that can't possibly get stuck!! interesting when you whack your brackets with the spoon though!!
I'm still very cautious about what I eat even after a month in braces again. I completely avoid hard foods (I don't know how some people can eat peanuts and the like; I guess their teeth aren't as sensitive as others), though I'm trying to chew things a little more than I have been, but not much.

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pippy pic

#10 Post by pippy »

Well here we go, my first photo in braces, I must be getting braver at showing them. Day 3 and I'm getting quite attached to them now and feeling a bit more normal. Still eating sludge though - agree with Maf, not sure how you can eat nuts, you must REALLY love them!! Luckily my beloved bubbly is one thing that DOESN'T get stuck in braces :lol:

As you can see I have charming higgeldy teeth that look even more fun now with origami wires, springs and bright blue cement on my molars :lol: ... ay33ek.jpg

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pippy pic

#11 Post by pippy »

Well here we go, my first photo in braces, I must be getting braver at showing them. Day 3 and I'm getting quite attached to them now and feeling a bit more normal. Still eating sludge though - agree with Maf, not sure how you can eat nuts, you must REALLY love them!! Luckily my beloved bubbly is one thing that DOESN'T get stuck in braces :lol:

As you can see I have charming higgeldy teeth that look even more fun now with origami wires, springs and bright blue cement on my molars :lol: ... ay33ek.jpg

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Re: pippy pic

#12 Post by maf »

Originally posted by pippy Well here we go, my first photo in braces, I must be getting braver at showing them. Day 3 and I'm getting quite attached to them now and feeling a bit more normal. Still eating sludge though - agree with Maf, not sure how you can eat nuts, you must REALLY love them!! Luckily my beloved bubbly is one thing that DOESN'T get stuck in braces :lol:

As you can see I have charming higgeldy teeth that look even more fun now with origami wires, springs and bright blue cement on my molars :lol:
Thanks for sharing the photo. It is funny, how you start to get attached (more than literally) to your new braces, even though they're bits of plastic and metal. Here's mine (I should probably put this photo in my own story thread, though...):


It does get easier to eat different things, though I still avoid any really firm foods. Like KK said, check out that suggested meals list; it's quite good. Just remember to have a glass of water handy to rinse with during and after eating (it helps avoid those embarrassing bits and pieces caughts around the wire and brackets :P )

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#13 Post by Bridget »

Hi Pippy!

Great photo!!!

I am very cautious with solid food, too - just had soups and milk shakes so far and LOTS of Water to drink right after :-))

At least, my diet is now FULL of calcium and water and I guess that's good for the body AND for the teeth :-)

Sunny greetings - Bridget

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#14 Post by maf »

I cooked a meal for myself and my gf this evening of grilled fillet steak, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and carrots and pumpkin with gravy.

Most of that is very soft and easy to eat with braces. With the steak, I cut it into smaller pieces (and fillet steak from the grill is very soft and tender; very nice).

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#15 Post by pippy »

Thanks guys. Yep those springs have me interested - I think I've probably looked at my teeth more in the last week than the last year!! With a bit of luck the top ones will soon stop trying to physically attach themselves to my front lip - it is physically impossible to smile, even talking is kinda hard as it gets all hitched up....and I talk for a living, oops. Thats going to make the elastics experience fun!

AM still eating funny, not because they hurt but because I can't bring myself to chew on the extraction gaps, I had just got back into eating everything by nibbling through it on my front teeth...and now they are out of commission. The only teeth I have left to chew on have massive lumpy build ups on them so if I did chew I'd probably chew my own lip off by acccident. Easier in the interim to stick to stuff that can be hidden in pasta and mashed potatoes!! The next trick is going to be seeing if my beloved spag bol stains the clear ligs :) ...but I'm pretty fussy so all the required good stuff is getting in there one way or another.

Am very impressed with Mafs assault on a steak though!!!

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