It's done - I am officially a wired member now :-) UPDATED

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It's done - I am officially a wired member now :-) UPDATED

#1 Post by Bridget »

Hi there!

It's done - I'm wired now.

This is me before it happened:


I got my upper and lower ceramics yesterday morning - after having spent 3 hours more or less "upside down" in the ortho's chair!

Unfortunately not the whole job is done yet. The ortho found a litte cavity between my 6th and 7th upper tooth (the last molar) - so they could not fix the band to the 6th as planned. I have to go and see my dentist first and that part will be then finished on August 3 (my first appointment).

And when the assistant fixed those ligatures, she "lost" one bracket on my lower teeth - great! That needs to be refixed on August 3, too.

Anyway, when I first looked into the mirror I was a little "shocked" as the wire is really going zic-zac - no wonder, actually, as my teeth really need some help here :-))

So far I am feeling quite okay, but I haven't tried chewing yet - I don't dare to and - to be honest - I want to avoid the tedious work of getting my braces clean again for a little while (although I brushed them quite a lot already - but thats easy after milk shakes ;-) ) At least for the time being I'll try to avoid sticky food as my gums are still a little sore from all that acidy things they attached to my teeth yesterday. Brushing is no fun because of this.

My boyfriend really thinks my braces are not that obvious and not at all annoying. Kissing still works :-) so I am fine I guess :-)

And here is a picture of how my teeth look now:


More to come in the coming weeks and months.

And thanks a lot to all of you for your support and encouragement!

Sunny greetings from Munich !

Last edited by Bridget on Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

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Location: North Central PA

#2 Post by llyolf »

Yeah!! Bridget got grills!!!

Let me beat KK to it... make sure you rinse with warm salt water.... :jokerlaugh: :jokerlaugh:

acutally I'm in need of the salter water rinse as of late.... gots me a couple of lip vs bracket casulties.....

Good to see your in.....

Bless ya,

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#3 Post by OneTime »

That great, hope your journey is a happy one.

In process...
4 spacer and upper braced 1/10
Spacer removed and fully braced 1/24
Final 05/15/08

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#4 Post by pk_girl »

Welcome to bracehood, Hope it isnt too painful for you.
LOTS of icecream, Thats what you need.


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#5 Post by JeepGirl »

Welcome to the club! :lol:

It gets easier as time goes on. The first few months for me were the worst. I cream time :wink:

You will soon be able to eat what ever you want, don't worry!

Good luck on your brace journey and remember we are all cheering you on! :jump:

YOU ROCK! :rawk:

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#6 Post by pippy »

Yeahhhh Bridget!!! What is it with those orthodontists - they do seem to like the semi upside down look!!! Maybe they just like us having to look up at them :wink: Mine managed to drop a molar band which rolled dwn my throat thanks to being upside down - think he was waiting for me to be the first patient to swallow one!

Great that your bf doesn't mind them. Now that hubby has checked mine out he thinks they hide how crooked my teeth are (although I think he's just fascinated with the springs !!)

I agree on the cleaning issue - my eating pattern is more to do with avoiding cleaning stuff out of them that them actually hurting - those little suckers really are food magnets! But I think its bringing out the kid in me - I am getting fascinated with cleaning them!

Hope its all going well and not too sore - after 5 days now I only have one little patch where they are still rubbing my cheek.
Happy munching soon :)

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#7 Post by Bridget »

Hi again!

After nearly one week, I am still fine - no pain whatsoever so far. Only an odd wire here and there that poked me but other than that - nothing - *touch-wood*

I guess my dentists appointment tonight to get the filling done is worse than the whole braces...I just can't stand fillings....!

And in two weeks I'll see my ortho again to get the lost bracket fixed and to get the last molar band.....

And - I guess I am stupid - I am really hoping that he can see some progress already after 3 weeks :oops: :oops: :oops:


Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

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Location: Munich/Germany

#8 Post by Bridget »

Hi again!

After nearly one week, I am still fine - no pain whatsoever so far. Only an odd wire here and there that poked me but other than that - nothing - *touch-wood*

I guess my dentists appointment tonight to get the filling done is worse than the whole braces...I just can't stand fillings....!

And in two weeks I'll see my ortho again to get the lost bracket fixed and to get the last molar band.....

And - I guess I am stupid - I am really hoping that he can see some progress already after 3 weeks :oops: :oops: :oops:


Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

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Location: Munich/Germany

It's done - I am officially a wired member now :-) - UPDATE

#9 Post by Bridget »

Hi everyone!

I guess this is the wrong place and I should move my story to the "My Braces Journey" section instead - but I really do not know how? Should I contact Lynn to get it moved?

I would really like to continue this thread as a little proof for myself that my teeth are actully making progress.

Last week (after 3-weeks treatment time) I had my first adjustment at the ortho. I also got my last molar band (as the filling was done as requested).

The ortho changed my upper archwire for a stronger one and replaced those beloved rubber ligs for wire ligs (I do NOT like them...they are poking and the bracket itself seems to be rougher now too - I guess the rubber ligs make them somehow softer and more comfortable)

The lower archwire is still the same - here, too, he changed the rubber ligs for wire ligs....

Since last week I could call myself "wax mouth" as I have put it on in so many places....these wire things are really nasty - anyway I fool myself to believing that they might be more powerful and shorten my treatment time :crazy:

However, I really see some progress....The upper archwire has straightend a lot and my lower front teeth are not that crowded anymore.

Here are some pics - I hope you can see some progress too and it's not just me imagining all this :-)

First one, last week after ortho appointment

Second one, taken this morning


Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

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#10 Post by lionfish »

Your progress is awesome, bridget. Fabulous.

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#11 Post by toothfairy »

Wow Bridget! Your progress looks great! :) Good job!

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#12 Post by cynthia77 »

amazing progress...wish it was always so quick :)

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#13 Post by RainyDay »

Yes we can definitly see the progress. I hope mine move that quick!

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wish I had ceramics like you

#14 Post by lillie32 »

They're nearly invisible!!!! Mine look like I have dirty/ rotten teeth!

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#15 Post by Bridget »

So - today I had my 3rd appointment at the ortho's. And the "only" thing he did today was re-adjusting the lower archwire.....I guess I am being silly but somehow I expected more to happen....a stronger (lower) archwire for example (it's still the first one). AND he told me that next time (in 5 weeks) we would need to have a longer appointment as he would like to re-position some of the brackets on my upper jaw as - as he he put it: "I do not like it how it is right now"

hmppf.....that does not sound too good to me....

However, I just had a look at my first pictures in braces and compared to that my teeth really made good progress - at least to me ;-) I'll post some updated pics tomorrow :-)

Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

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