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Spacers make me ill

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:01 pm
by hopelessjen
Did anyone else have trouble with spacers making them sick? I have a pretty impressive gag reflex and chewing gum makes me nauseous. I haven't figured out it if is from chewing on the parts that hang out or from them rubbing on the back of my tongue. It seems to come and go but I still have another week.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:08 pm
by OneTime
I feel your pain. It might be your tongue rubbing, but another week to go. Hang in there.
After spacers are out it gets better when the brackets goes on.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:12 pm
by pippy
Hi Jen

Sorry you're having hassles with the spacers!! The only trouble I had was dentist fiddling to get them in as I can relate to your gagging reflex, so sorry can't be of any help there. I got through the week by simply not chewing - if it couldn't go down whole it wasn't going there at all :wink: The little tags on them can be annoying though. By the time they came out I had got so used to them I forgot they were there so hopefully it gets better for you :thumbsup: