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Knock Knock!

#1 Post by Mmmmuuaa »

Hey, I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone. This site has been very informative and the pictures are great. I'm 29 and have been having problems with my jaw and finally have a good reason, besides cosmetic, to get braces. I've been insecure about my teeth for over 10 yrs but couldn't really afford to get braces. Plus people said that my teeth are not that bad. Easy for them to say considering they have straight teeth! Plus I've become such an expert of hiding my teeth that no one really gets a good look at them. Anyway now that my jaw has been so sore I need to. My ortho said I'll need to wear a splint for roughly 4 mnths before he can put braces on. Now that I know I'm getting them I'm anxious to get going but I guess I'll have to be patient. Has anyone else here had to wear a splint first? How was it?

Well I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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#2 Post by Bridget »

Hi Mmmmuuaa! And welcome to this board!

What kind of splint will you get? I only have experiences with loose upper braces that were intended to widen the palate. These upper braces had a screw build in that I had to widen every week - that was not too bad and not painful at all.

Do you know already how long your treatment time will be, approximately?

All the best for you!!!


Upper and lower ceramics
9 months to go......less if I am REALLY lucky

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Location: Manitoba, Canada

#3 Post by Mmmmuuaa »

I've already had my splint for almost 2 wks. My ortho figured I'll be ready in about 4 mnths to get braces on, though I'm hoping for faster. Originally he said I should get two extractions for my bite but I expressed concern about that so he said I didn't need too. Rather I'll have to wear rubber bands, or elastics, whatever, which is better for with me. He said I'll need to wear braces for about 18 months and then retainer for like 2 yrs. Seems long. I'm planning on getting ceramic on top and S.S. on bottom, though I may change to ceramic on both when the time comes. When I do finally get braces I'm planning on either doing a blog on my process or just posting pictures on this forum. I like to see other peoples progress so I figure I'll share mine too.

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Location: Manitoba, Canada

#4 Post by Mmmmuuaa »

Well I had another appointment to see how the splint was helping. My jaw is still sore when I yawn, sneeze cough, ect. but the grinding and popping sound has decreased alot. My ortho said there is no more movement in my TMJ which is a good sign. I also can open my jaw a little further, my ortho said I was at about 80% which isn't too bad. In 5 weeks I have another appt. to review my progress. Hopefully in Fall I can get braced! I'm just so excited.

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#5 Post by cmm1280 »

Hi Mmmmuuaa!
Welcome to archwired. I'm a newbie as well and getting braces on Oct 20th. It sounds like we are both coming from the same place. (Others didn't think our teeth were that bad, jaw problems, cost, hiding my teeth, etc). I'm just glad that being 25, I've actually made the decision to go through with getting my teeth/jaw corrected. Congrats to you and keep us posted with progress once you get your braces on. I know I will! This site is so informative and a great place to get support!

Carla :)

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#6 Post by M1k3y »

Hey there and welcome aboard. I was pretty much in the same position as you were and ended up getting braces at 27 years old. I couldn't afford it before but I always told myself when I could afford it I would do it no matter what age I was. I hope your journey is a smooth and quick one. :D
Braced 5-27-06 - 18 months with braces
Case 1 - minor crookedness
Envision Composite Brackets
M1k3y's introduction with photos
M1k3y's journey with photos

Debranded 3-20-08

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