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Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:55 pm
by starfish
Hi Everyone,

I just got my spacers put in today, after having two teeth extracted yesterday. I am really worried about flossing etc because I have been told some horror stories relating to poor oral hygeine during orthodontic treatment.

I don't know if this is a silly question, but how do you floss with the spacers in? They are stuck in your teeth, so I am guessing you can't get dental floss down there too?

I am 26 years old, and am really scared of the whole process. I feel too old to do this, but no going back now that I have had the teeth pulled ;-( I also feel sorry for my 30 year old partner, surely it must feel wierd to have a girlfriend with braces??!!

Any words of advice??

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:28 pm
by cassie
I had the spacers for two weeks and didn't floss those teeth, as I was told...they were in so tight though, I'm sure no food made it in there! A few days break, won't hurt.

My boyfriend is 28, and he was my biggest encouragement in following through with this. He had braces when he was a teenager, and he tells me every day (as I whine!) that I'll be happy I did this (and I am). We're long distance, so we only see each other every 3-4 weeks. When he last came down, I only had the brackets on and he did say he was getting used to looking at me, but that was only because the brackets alone look so crazy (I agree--thes sharp little bumps all across my teeth!). I was mostly anxious about hanging out with his friends...I thought they would think it was weird. Both his best friends though it was great what I was doing, and were just concerned with whether it hurt. At the one's 30th b-day party, everyone was really cool. Most didn't seem to notice, and some of those that did said they wanted to do the same!

People are really supportive and seem to think it's cool when you do this at a later age, at your own expense. It's seems very responsible to take on something like this.

And now that my boyfriend has seen pics of me with the wires on, he gushes about how cute I look! If your guy is any good, he'll say the same...and mean it! :)

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:59 am
by claudia86
hi there starfish!! :)
when i first got my braces, friends of mine told me that having spacers was the worst part of it all..
but when i had to use them, i didn't think they were so bad.
it just felt like having food between my teeth, which was a lil uncomfortable.. but after a few days i sort of forgot they were in!
my dentist told me not to floss those teeth.
but like cassie said.. it is super tight, i don't think anything got in there.

before i had braces, i was actually looking foward to it. but when i got them, i was a little disappointed, i'm not sure why.
i wasn't used to seeing myself in braces.
but i started talking to people and they were really encouraging.
people have congratulated me on getting them! they've told me they have been wanting to get them themselves but just haven't gone around to it.
some people didn't even notice i got them!

now about your girlfriend.. lol. :)
it's not at all weird to have a partner and have braces!!
when i 1st had my braces i had a million question..
am i going to cut him?
what if i bite him?
what if i cut myself?
what if i can't kiss him?!
all sorts of what ifs..
i had those really icky tongue thrusts spikes..
so it was a chalange to even talk! lol
i had them removed last week.. what a relief! :lol:
but just like everyone says..
practice makes perfect.
be gentle, you'll get the hang of things. :wink: