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27 and braced again, and they are off!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:18 pm
by Drama Queen
Hi everyone,

I have been reading this message boards for a few months now ever since I started on my orthodontic journey and seen as today was B-day I felt it was time I posted. But first I have to say that this site is amazing the information and support really does help.

When I was 14 i had oral surgery to expose an eye tooth that was growing the wrong way and I had metal upper braces to bring the tooth down and correct a slight over bite. Everything went well and I had the perfect set of teeth, but as the years have gone on the teeth have all shifted around (I was never told that I had to wear the retainer for life) and I noticed mild crowding on the top and bottom of my teeth. So my dentist referred me to the orthodontist and I had my consultation and investigation.

He told me that the problems I have would prob get worse as the years went on (mild crowding on the upper and lower arch resulting in their malalignment and an incorrect bite. Some protrusion of the upper front teeth and an open bit associated with a forward tongue thrust) and when he said that I knew deep down that it had to be sorted. If I had gone on with my life not knowing this I prob would never have thought twice about it all, but when my ortho showed me all my xrays and stuff it made me realise how extensive the probs could get. And I dont want to get to my 30s and 40s and my bite and crowding has got worse and wished that I had taken just 18 months+ out of my life to get it corrected.

Last Tuesday I had my spacers put in and that was not a very nice experience, I was all for giving up, I think the worse thing was not being able to eat anything solid, and I am not afraid to say that it got me really down. I questioned what the hell I was letting myself in for. I think what made it worse was I was thinking what are people going to say about me having braces at 25. I mean I am not the most confident person in the world and I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to do this. Which then made me feel guilty as it is not like I am sick, I am choosing to do this for myself and the health of my teeth, and there are a lot worse things in life and i need to put that in perspective (though that is sometimes easier said that done!).

This site has been amazing as there is so much support here, people i know try to say nice things but if they have never been through it they can't really comment. Plus as my teeth are that noticable and from the outside they look fine and people dont really understand why i am putting myself through it all.

Anyway today I had my spacers removed - and ceramic upper and lowers put on. at first I was terrified that my top lip was sticking out (then again people pay thousands for collegan implants, I can just say that i have had that done!). but when i look in the mirror it isn;t that bad. Even when I speak they aren't that noticable either, though i do feel that i have a slight lisp, but i am sure i can over come that!

At the mo I am just worried about staining my ligs and am a bit wary of what I am eating etc, i think i am going to find the slight changes in my diet the hardest, i am sooooo gonna miss mcdonalds bbq sauce.

As you can see I am just a bit of a drama queen and I got myself into such a state over all of this (there have been tears at many inapproriate moments) but when reality hits it made me realise that it isn;t as bad as I first thought - though me being a pessimist means that i always think the worse in any situation!

Sorry for rambling, but I just had to get it all out, i think my mates and family are fed up of me going on about it all the time!

Lau xx

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 5:48 am
by Drama Queen
Thanks for all the helpful advice

Lau xx


Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:02 am
by Drama Queen

Well I have been braced for a month now, and so far it hasn't been too bad, there have been a few sore days but that is to be expected. Had a bit of a shock when one of my brackets broke off, but after a lot of crying and panicking (you can see why i am such a drama queen!) and an emergency appointment the orthodontist fixed it for me.

The good thing is that I have noticed slight changes in my teeth - when you see that you realise how worthwhile this journey will eventually be. The hardest thing I find is always thinking about what I can eat, that gets me down sometimes, esp when everything has to be cut up into tiny pieces all the time, and then you have to go and brush it all out. I tell you what I have cut down on my snacking and I am losing weight, I tell you I will end up being a size 6 at the end of this all! Celebrities shouldn't bother with all these faddy diets they should get themselves some braces and see the weight fall off!

My main worries was how people would react to me being in braces at 25, and most people are really positive about it, some say that i am mad for paying out all this money, but you know what they weren't in my consultation and they didn't see the x-rays and moulds, so they just wouldn't understand why I need to do this. on the whole a lot of people were shocked when i told them about them as even a month in some of my work colleagues who I talk to on a daily basis didn't even know that i have them. And one guy who I bumped into last week that I haven't seen for a few years just thought that I had collegen injections (as I now have a slight Angelina Jolie pout). And for all those worried that they will never be kissed in braces - don't worry it does happen and it doesn't hinder you in anyway!!

Anyway I have my first adjustment on Wednesday - am dreading what he is going to do to me - but have to be brave and adapt to the changes as I know that eventually in 17 months this will all be over!

lau xx

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:33 am
by Drama Queen
I will post again once I have had my adjustment on Wednesday!
Lau xx

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:20 am
by Drama Queen

Well I have just come back from my first adjustment. The Ortho changed my lower archwire to a silver one (which is a bit of a shock when looking in the mirror when i have had a nice white one for the last 5 weeks!), he changed my ligs top and bottom and put a wire tire on one of my top teeth. He even said that they are moving quite nicely already - which is a really positive thing, I know I have a long way to go (I think about another 17 months) but when you are told that things are moving it makes the pain and discomfort all worthwhile.

Teeth are a little sore, so have taken some neurofen, which will kick in soon. Am going back in 4 weeks when he said that he will change the upper archwire and start me on elastics (which i am really scared about!).

While I was waiting for my appointment there were 2 girls before me who had just finished their treatment - can't wait till that happens to me.

Lau xx

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:05 am
by Drama Queen
Well I am just back from my 2nd adjustment. The Ortho changed my upper wire to a silver one so I now have matching wires on top and bottom arches, he didn't do anything with my lower arch just changed my clear ligs. I am now wearing elastics, which feel a bit weird at the moment but I am hoping in time it will be ok. They go from my bottom molar bad to the third tooth on my upper arch (if you count from the molar band) and I have to wear them 24 hours a day. I am already dosed up on nerofen to help me once the pain sets in.

I am back for my third adjustment in 5 weeks time, he wanted to see me on 31 oct but I am going to the National Television Awards at the Royal Albert Hall that night and didn't want to be in pain when mingling with all the celebs so am going on 2 Nov.

Lau xx

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:35 am
by Drama Queen
Thanks for the support - it is that and the changes that make all this worthwhile in the end.


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:15 am
by Drama Queen
Well just got back from my 3rd adjustment. The Ortho removed the upper and lower wire and rebent it and then put it back, with new clear ligs. I have been told to stop wearing the elastics that were connect to my lower molars up to my top teeth and I now have a horrible elastic in a box formation that goes from my two top teeth down to my bottom front teeth so that the gap between my upper and lower teeth can be closed. I have been told to wear it as much as I can, though I am not brave enough to wear it at work yet! Next adjustment in 4 weeks time.

On a plus side I was at the national tv awards on Tuesday nite and met Simon Cowell - what a lovely bloke and a whole load of eastenders and corrie cast members!

Lau xx

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:09 am
by Gas Panic!
Good luck with your treatment Drama Queen. I'm a 24 year old from Australia up to around about the same stage as you (3 months) and going well.

It is amazing what a change is noticable already.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:38 pm
by Drama Queen
Hi Gas Panic,

Thanks for the encouragement - good luck with your treatment too. The changes that occcur in 3 months are really amazing - here's to the next few months and the changes that go along with them.

KK - thank you once again for your support as well.

Lau xx

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:45 am
by Drama Queen

Had to go in for an emergency appointment today as one of my ligs fell off. My original appt was for Tuesday 28 and I thought that maybe I could wait till then but when I phoned my ortho's office to ask they said that I should really come in before then.

So today the ortho changed all my ligs and then told me to keep wearing my elastic (I have a box formation on my front teeth) and that was it. Wish he had done more really as sometimes when wires aren't changed etc it sometimes feels that not much is happening! He said that I dont have to go in on Tuesday and to go back in 4 weeks - so next appt is 19 Dec (just before xmas, hope there isn't too much pain that I won't be able to eat my xmas dinner!)

It will be my 4 month anniversary of being braced on Saturday - doesn't time fly!!

Lau xx

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:33 am
by Drama Queen

I am just back from my 5th adjustment (doesn't time fly). I don't have to wear the box elastic on my front teeth for the time being (thank goodness for that!), as there has been notable difference and movement while wearing it for the last 2 months. It is really weird as my top front teeth now overlap my bottom front teeth so much so that they are touching the brackets. I now have a triangle formation of elastics on both sides of my mouth to help close my open bite. A little less noticable that the front elastic but finding it hard to speak as I can't open my mouth that wide - hopefully once I get used to them it will all become a little easier.

My ortho said today that I keep my clear ligs really clean (that is cos I avoid the foods that stain and drink everything through a straw!) and that I should be a role model for some of his other patients who don't keep them that clean! ahh bless him its the nicest thing he had said to me since I have been visiting him! He even tried to tempt me with red ligs or glow in the dark ones, I declined!

Anyway next adjustment is 18 January where I will be coming up to my 6 month mark, never thought I would be saying that - can't wait to see the change in my bite with these new elastics.
Lau xx

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:10 am
by Drama Queen
Thanks KK for your support (as always). I have found it hard to give up the staining foods especially tomato and BBQ sauce, but I have just gotta think that it isn't forever and I can't wait for the day till they come off so I can eat a pizza and smother it in BBQ sauce!

hope all is well with you.

Lau x x

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:41 pm
by Sbebs
Great tips Drama Queen. Looks like I'll be buying stock in straws! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:24 am
by Drama Queen
If i ever wrote an autobiography I would call it "life through a straw"!

These triangle elastics are making my teeth really sore today "sob" "sob"!

Lau xx