New Braces

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New Braces

#1 Post by shinysharon »

Hi I am Sharon from the south coast in the UK , I am having braces fitted tomorrow , realy nervouse and dread what they will look like on me :?: .

I have now had the seperators one week and hope that everyone is right that braces are not as uncomftable as the seperators. :!:

At the age of 29 you do not see many adults my age in braces in the UK and it wuld be nice to find some others my age to make me a ease :lol: .

The staff at my Orthodonist have all been very nice and told me not to worry but when I have been I have been the only adult there .

I am getting all metal braces as I can not afford clear braces with a exspander as my Orthodontist says I have a very narrow upper jaw, not sure what my 3 year old daughter will think of Mummy with a mouth full of metal, hope she is okay :oops:

If any one fancys emailing please fell free as it will help to put me at ease


Drama Queen
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#2 Post by Drama Queen »

Hi ShinySharon

I am 25 from the UK and have been braced (for the 2nd time in my life) for a week now. I had a spacers in for a week too and they are deffo worse than the braces.

I still feel a bit self conscious about the braces and am sure that I have a lisp, but it does get easier day by day.

Good luck on you b-day and just think of the end result - it will be worth it in the end.
Lau xx :D

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from uk too

#3 Post by Ready2go43 »

Hi Sharon,you are not the only one from uk,although it seems like it,there are others in the group(thank god)i am 43 so dont worry about the age thing,even though I do occasionally.Im getting metal braces and expander too,so it would be good to compare notes,im hopefully getting braced in about 4 weeks,expander 1st then 6 weeks later the braces,I had the option of ceramic braces but 4 orthodontists have told me that metal braces are better and a bit quicker and have more control,personally I do not like ceramics anyway,they look weird(no offence meant to anyone who has them)good luck with everything,let me know how you get on your treatment sounds similar to mine,I must admit,I am a bit nervous but it will be worth it(I hope).KK seems really nice she is really supportive to everyone,I read all her posts I have learnt a lot already from her.
Good luck :wink:

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New Braces

#4 Post by shinysharon »

well had them fitted today it all feels so strange and uncomftable , I have a real bad lisp from the exspanders :oops: .

The orth was so nice as well as all the staff, i was in the chair about 45 minutes as the ortho had a job to get my top bands on and he said it seems as my teeth my need a lot of moving as the seperators had hardly made the gaps for the bands. :o

He has not activated the exspander yet as he says for me to get used to the braces 1st then he will show my how to turn the screw :) .

when my little daughter saw my braces she asked Mummy why are you wearing a necklace on your teeth that made me smile :D .

I have not realy been out in public yet but feel very volunable and people are staring at me, its probulary just me, but it will interesting seeingthe kids reactions at work tomorrow :!: .

Hope all went well for all the others who had braces fitted today

Sharon XX

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my new braces

#5 Post by shinysharon »

Had a painfull sleepless night all my teeth do so ache , tried cleaning them and this was painfull.

Just about to go to work, very nevouse but curiose what peoples reactions will be seeing me in braces as they are s bulky in my mouth and my lips dont meet so you can see the metal al the time and the lisp from the exspander, wont be speaking much with the kids at work today.

Take care

Sharon xx

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#6 Post by pippy »

Aww your daughters comment is just gorgeous!! My hubby just kept offering me a toothpick so I could dislodge whayever it was that was stuck in my teeth - cheeky! I've been a chicken and managed to avoid teaching any classes in the past few weeks - have even had someone paid out to do it for me lol.....the lisp is fairly evident still and if I talk for more than a few minutes my lips get all hooked up in the springs at the front - its a good look :wink: So far any of my students that have noticed have been really cool so I'm sure you'll go just fine......

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#7 Post by sjsarre »

Hi ShinySharon

Firstly congrats on getting brace.. The pain will soon go and it makes all the difference to know that its for a real purpose.

I'm 31 and live in the Channel Islands.. I don't see many people here with braces (other than teenagers!)

I had a lisp for the first week. The best thing to do is to try and talk as much as you can to train your mouth again. But if you do get pain from the brace and catching etc you might not want to do that..

best thing to do like KK said is salt water rinses and lots of wax.. Good Oral hygiene is a must. Especially if you do get sores in your mouth, you don't want lots of bacteria getting into them.


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#8 Post by vctorascrt »

rinsing with hydrogen peroxide and water has helped me immensely as well. I found a little "recipe" that uses hydrogen peroxide, water, salt, and baking soda. That seemed to clear up my sores very quickly!

Good luck! I've only been braced one week 3 days, and it's already gotten SO much better!


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