Getting Braced II Anxiety

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Getting Braced II Anxiety

#1 Post by MsTiaLia »

Ok, so I have had my top teeth braced for about 6 months. I am finally used to them (as much as any person CAN get used to them) and now it is time to get the bottom teeth braced! Months ago, I was really ready to go ahead and get all of my braces, but now, less than 2 hours before my ortho appt., I realize that I just really don't want to revisit the inside of my mouth being all cut up, wax all over the place, can't eat normal food, extra saliva, and inability to speak normally again!!! I apologize for the whining, but I really need to vent and you guys are the only ones who understand :D Ok, I think I'm done venting. I'm gonna go eat my last meal and head to the ortho. Wish me luck :(


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#2 Post by eaglesoaring »


Hey, there. I'm not sure when you posted this...but I wanted to say that I understand. I'm sure everything will be okay...and think of it this already know what to expect. And you'll be better prepared because you already have your tops on!! :wink: You know when to use to cut your food into small bites...what foods to avoid...etc... But most importantly, you KNOW that the discomfort is only TEMPORARY.

Try not to worry, and please give us an update when they're on. But just know that every little thing is gonna be alright. :)

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#3 Post by MsTiaLia »

Thanks Eagle,

I got the bottoms put on and they are really awkward! I have quite an overbite, so my ortho put "buildups" on my last molars on either side on the top. They are kind of like bumpers to keep my teeth from touching or overlapping so I don't bite the brackets off of my bottom teeth! Anyhow, these things make eating somewhat difficult because the only teeth in my entire mouth that touch are the very last molars! How am I supposed to eat when my teeth only have two contact points???? My food will have to be mashed--forget cutting it up! Outside of that, my teeth just hurt. They are really sore even with Ibuprofen! I feel like I just need to take some Tylenol PM and go to sleep! Anyhow, thank you again for listening to me whine! I really appreciate it!


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#4 Post by eaglesoaring »


Hey there! Glad you posted! I know about those buildups...I've had mine for 8 weeks, and will have them for AT LEAST another 10 weeks (4.5 months total, assuming I get them of in 10 weeks). I have a 6 mm overbite. It's virtually impossible to grind food, with your teeth, like you normally did. As you said, your teeth are only meeting at two (rather small) points. Cut things into really, really small pieces (you can swallow those whole)...and stick with soft foods for a while.

One thing I noticed was that (at first), I chewed like a cow...seriously! My mouth had to be open wider than normal, so I could get the food in between the buildups and my upper teeth to grind it. Well, that got a little embarrassing, so I decided that I simply needed smaller bites. It was a bit exhausting to eat, there for a while, and I lost a few pounds. However, you will naturally compensate for this. Eventually, you'll get around the annoyance of it all. Especially if you like food, like I do.

As far as the pain...well, take your Ibuprofin BEFORE you feel pain. What I mean is...take it regularly... as is prescribed, even if you don't feel any pain. Also, try to relax your mouth as often as possible. This will ease that "constantly flexing muscles" feeling. At least it did for me. Further, I found that I was simply more tired. I needed a few extra zzzzzz's.

I was lucky...I didn't feel any pain...just pressure....but I couldn't really call it pain. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling pain.

Use your wax...salt-water rinses...brush tenderly, but thoroughly...keep up with your OTC pain meds...and just know (as I'm sure you realize)...this pain is temporary.

Hang in there!! :wink:

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#5 Post by MsTiaLia »

You have no idea how much of a help you are being to me today!!! I have a question for you. You said that you had buildups before and would have them I won't have these for the remainder of my treatment???? Do they wear down at all? I can't wait to be able to eat normal food again! I had a peanut butter & jelly sandwich for dinner! And I absolutely LOVE food, so this is not fun...but I need to lose a few pounds, so let me stop complaining:)

Thanks again Eagle!

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#6 Post by MsTiaLia »

You must be rubbing off on me! I did the wax thing on the bottom last night before bed and even did it again this morning while sitting in traffic! LOL I figure that I won't be using those teeth to eat with for a while (since they don't touch!) so there's no harm in having them covered in wax for a few days:) I do need to get back on the salt water rinse though!

Thanks for the advice!

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#7 Post by eaglesoaring »


Hey, there!
Let me had the molar buildups put on the day I got braces, and I've had them on this whole time. 8 weeks now. I've NOT had them off yet. I won't be getting them off for 10 MORE weeks. So, I'll have had them 18 weeks total.

Yes, they definitely wear down, but as long as your teeth aren't hitting your lower brackets, you're fine. However, if you DO notice your teeth hitting, with the potential for your brackets to be popped off, then you'll need to go in and they'll make them a little taller. I have NOT had to do that as of yet. But Ortho did tell me that if it happens, it's no big deal. Just to call the office and come in.

I thought I'd have these for the duration of my treatment, because I have such an overbite...but my Ortho explained that these have been opening my bite!!! Hoorayyy!!! So, once my bite is open enough, then I can get them off, which he thinks will be in 10 weeks. He explained that as the teeth move out, I'll not be in danger of knocking brackets off, and then won't need them anymore!!! I can't tell you how happy I was to hear that! So try not to get too discouraged, okay? It feels weird, but that will go away. It's still not "normal" for me to eat with these, but it's not so bad after a week or maybe two.

I've read on here that some people have had them for longer (I think it was around 6 months?), so if you don't get them off at 4 months or so, don't worry.

I hope your pain is more mangageable today! And take KK's advice, and use that wax...the sausage shape is a good idea!!! That way, all of your brackets are covered!!
It'll get better...just keep a good attitude, and smile!

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#8 Post by pippy »

Hi there Those build ups really are a pain - I've had mine for 3 weeks now and only have 2 contact points so chewing is a mighty adventure. I'm getting a tough old tongue from using it to chew against the roof of my mouth :shock: but it works for some things and increases the variety...just not good in public lol.

My buildups are a lovely blue cement and the other day, rather than having them wear down one just popped off competely. It hasn't impacted on biting on the lower brackets in any way so now I have an extra tooth, woohooo. Not sure how long they will stay around - I'm trying to stay away from 'how long' type questions in case I don't like the answers :lol: So hang in there, it does make it more awkward but its only for a while :thumbsup:

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#9 Post by MsTiaLia »

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to let you all know that the pain has pretty much subsided. Of course there is a good bit of pressure on those bottom teeth in the front, but there's not much I can do about is kind of the whole point of braces :lol: My only problem now is eating. I just ate meat for the first time since Tuesday! Meatloaf is pretty much the only meat I can eat without having to set aside a couple of hours for each meal! That whole chewing on one tooth (or between two teeth, rather) is very challenging. My ortho was kind of evasive when he explained it to me. He just brushed over the topic of eating very casually. What he was saying didn't really dawn on me until I actually tried to eat the first time :shock: !

For those of you who have (or have had) buildups, did you find that you were back to eating normally down the line or should I get used to not being able to eat many foods I could eat with just my top braces on???


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