Hello I'm new here

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Hello I'm new here

#1 Post by sharonm »

Hi everyone!I just found this website and I am so grateful I did.Well yesterday I went into a consultation with the orthodontist and I am getting lingual braces fitted.I go in next week to get the mold done and then two weeks after that I get them fitted.I am excited about it,but also I am worried about speech problems and all the other things that go along with it.I had normal braces on when I was 17 but had to get them taken off because I couldn't afford the payments of them as the place where I was working decided to close down.Also the orthodontist I had at the time was an awful person that everytime I went in there used to make rude and horrible comments to me.I am glad I got away from him.I have found a new orthodontist who is fantastic and the staff are great too.I was amazed at how kind they were and how I could ask any question without feeling like an idiot.It is such a change from the other person that I can't believe it.I am 24 now and decided that since I have this money saved up I should just go for it.I have hesistation in it,thinking maybe I am too old or what's the point of bothering.I have been reading this board and know that I am never too late to start.I have been told that they will be on for 18 months which really is no time at all.Anyway I would like to say hi to you all and hear your experiences with it.By the way I am in Sydney Australia,are there others from Australia?

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#2 Post by ssfw »

Hi sharonm,

Welcome. I think you will find this website full of information and support. If you ever have a question or concern, you should send a post and most times you will find someone who has been through what you have been through. I'm so glad you found an orthodontist that you like. I feel that is why I am actually enjoying my ortho treatment - my orthodontist and his staff are so kind and caring. Be sure to ask your ortho all of the questions that you have because I feel this makes a difference - it's best to be well informed of your ortho treatment, unless you choose not to know. I have learned so much from this website and feel that if it wasn't for the great support I would not have proceeded with ortho treatment.

I began my ortho treatment in January 2006 with an expander to widen my upper arch to correct my crossbite. My upper braces were placed about 2-1/2 months ago and I will be getting my lower braces in about 5 weeks at my next appt. Time has gone by fairly quickly. My estimated treatment is suppose to be about 20 months. I initially hesitated on proceeding with ortho treatment due to the visibility of the braces and being an adult and am glad to say that I adjusted to the braces quickly. I was able to get the ceramic brackets on my upper arch and hoping I will be able to get them for my lower braces too but will be fine if my orthodontist feels metal would be best for the lower braces.

I hope your treatment goes well Keep us posted.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

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#3 Post by sharonm »

Thanks for the welcome.I'm glad your treatment is going well and that time seems to be passing quickly.I think I hesistated for a while because I thought the time would drag on.I realise that I have to do this just to make myself feel a little better.You are right about finding a good orthodontist.I really wouldn't be able to go through this treatment if I had to deal with someone I didn't like.It will be a few weeks before I get them,and I hope everything goes alright with it.

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#4 Post by RainyDay »

Hi Sharonm, sounds like we'll start our journey together. I get my braces on Aug 14th. I have spacers on now. I will also do clear on top and metal on bottom. See you around the board!

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#5 Post by lionfish »

Hi Sharonm, Aussie rules!!

Have PM'd you.

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#6 Post by sharonm »

Thanks for the welcome guys!I wish I had them on now,I don't like waiting!!!!!!!!!

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#7 Post by Smiley77 »

Hiya Sharon!

Another aussie popping in to say hello!

I am in WA and also get my braces put on on the 14th!

Good luck! (and I am inpatient to get things going too!)
7 extractions 19 July 2006

8 spacers put in 7th August


I can't wait for that perfect smile

Gas Panic!
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#8 Post by Gas Panic! »

Looks like there are a few of us from Australia .. I just had spacers put in this morning, job will be finished next Tuesday 15th.

I'm also 24yo from Sydney. Good luck with your treatment sharonm.

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#9 Post by pippy »

Just another Aussie popping in to say hi (well irish really but live in QLD). Been braced for one month now but been very attached to this website for significantly longer. All the best with the braces :D

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#10 Post by sharonm »

Well I got my molds done for my teeth today.They kept asking me if I was really sure I wanted this and I said ''Don't do that you are making me indecisive again!''I kept changing my mind before I decided what I wanted last week.I have paid in full now so there is no turning back.Truth be told I am terrified about it!I am so worried that I will not be able to talk at all and if I try and eat something they will break.I am going to start on the salt water rinses to help my mouth.I asked the ortho about it and he said it was a good idea.I keep wondering if I am doing the right thing.I am sure everyone here has felt like that.It is just the anticipation of not knowing what it is really going to be like until I get them on.I am really worried that I will regret my decision immediately after I have them on.I am in a job where I talk to people all day.I don't want to go around lisping and all the rest of it.I have to wait two weeks to get them on.

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#11 Post by lionfish »

Hey Sharonm, what you're going through now is so familiar. I had sleepless nights leading up to having my braces fitted. I worried that I'd be speech impaired, that I wouldn't be able to eat (and would lose masses of weight - that was a satisfying emotion), that I'd be living on painkillers, etc. etc. I think all these fears are quite normal.

I found that once the braces went on, this wave of relief swept over me. I was finally getting to fix a lifelong bad bite.

While you may have a little adjusting to do, your speech will come good and you will manage to lead your life normally. It really isn't as bad as it seems, this coming from an old fart who is set in my ways.

It sounds as if your ortho office is very supportive, and this will be a great comfort to you. If you have any questions about treatment and what to expect, ask them. I did, and I got plenty of sympathy and reassurance. While I know that support is there, I find that I'm needing it less and less these days, as I pretty much know what to expect.

Good luck for 2 weeks time and keep us posted.

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#12 Post by sharonm »

Thanks for the encouragement.I know I am being a little silly about the whole thing.I can't seem to help it though.I have sleepless nights before my appointments now but I am sure it will be ok once I get them on.I am just worried about all the normal things.I am so glad I found this board and can read everyone else's experiences.It is a great help.I spent an extra 5 mintues there today asking questions and I got them all answered.So they good in that regard.By the way I have not told anyone that I am getting them.I want to see if anyone notices!!!

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#13 Post by lionfish »

You're not being silly at all. I was like you, I told no-one I was getting them to see if/how many would pick up on anything different. I can tell you.....very few have, and even my ceramics fool most people.

I was in a client meeting this morning and wondered whether my lovely box elastics (which are 100% visible to me) would provoke any interest.......zippo. I even had to point out to my husband at the weekend that they are top to bottom.....and that was after 4 days of constant wear. And this bloke lives with me!

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#14 Post by sharonm »

You are both right.I think we focus too much on what other people will see when in reality most won't even notice.I am gonna try and prepare myself as best I can.The info I have found on this site has already been invaluable to me.Also after hearing all the great things about waterpik's and irrigators I got a new one from ebay.It's a portable one that takes batteries.I hope it's good.Anyway thanks for all the support.I don't know where I'd be without you all!

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#15 Post by sharonm »

Well I get them on next Wednesday.This morning I was freaking out.I am worried that since I don't have huge teeth that my bottom linguals will be completely visable.I keep thinking I am making the wrong decision.If they are visible on the bottom then I don't want them.I don't know why I keep having these doubts all the time.

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