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hi im back! update and PICS!

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:22 am
by blueberry
hi everyone, i found this site last year while i was waiting for my braces and posted on it during my countdown first till extractions then to getting braced, alot happened and i wasnt able to continue posting, so i dont really have many inbetween pics but im only about 4 months into treatment, alot has changed!!
a little about my case... im a class III (underbite) not very severe as no surgery is needed, so just braces top and bottom and 4 extractions, i have some pics. my front teeth were crooked shaped a bit like this /\ and my lower 4 front teeth were squashed up...
heres the before pics, before extractions, i know they are blurry but you get the general shapes...
these are after the extractions, i know really bad quality/size/sorry!

and these are the new pictures i hope you can see the difference...


im in a bit of a hurry today, so hopefully i can sort out some less blurry pics for another post, and get them up on my website, i have more details of my story on there just click the WWW any questions/comments please let me know im happy to help especially people with class 3,
take care everyone

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:12 pm
by toothfairy
The change looks amazing! Your progress looks great. :)

Welcome Back

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:09 pm
by paralegallsj
:D Wow :D

Great Progress: I am very impressed. I am so hopeful that my progress will be swift.

Hang In There