32 but feeling like 13..

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32 but feeling like 13..

#1 Post by wiredkitty »

Hi all,

I'm a 32 yrd Kiwi who just got braces on yesterday. Feels SO much worse than I ever thought it would. Feels like I have a whole cutlery set in my mouth. Can't imagine how I will get used to it and put up with it for 2 years! I have ceramics on top centre six and metal on the rest and the botton teeth. I can't believe they are all so rough - surely they could have invented smoother brackets by now.

My plan is to have surgery half way through to extend my lower jaw forward which they do by cutting it inside the mouth and putting in titanium plates. I'm dreading that part of it and only wanted the braces but apparently its all or nothing.

My husband is being very supportive which is great cause I couldn't have done this on my own!

Thanks to KK for sending me the message about the salt water rinses - I will start now! and have almost run out of wax so will need to go get more.

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Hello from across the Tasman, wiredkitty.

Sorry to hear that you feel like you have a cutlery set in your mouth (what a lovely metaphor!). Give yourself a couple of weeks to adjust and I'm sure you'll feel better then.

Sounds as though you've got the salt water rinses and wax routine sorted.

Good luck.

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#3 Post by pippy »

Hi there, I've only been in them four weeks and I think if you see any of my previous posts, it wasn't an easy start..(either that or I'm a natural moaner...but we'll assume it was the teeth :oops: .....but it is definitely getting better. You do get used to them surprisingly quickly. It is hard at first - I honestly thought he'd left something dangling out the front and was shocked when he said he was done and figured I could get my top lip over that contraption!!! Some days they do still feel rough but its usually because I've not been drinking enough and am dehydrated...then the old lip gets stuck right on up there again. Hang in there....it gets better quickly and they start moving quickly....just to keep us motivated :lol:

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#4 Post by tardissauce »

I too am 32 and glad to hear someone else is having the battle of metal in their mouth too! I can't wait to go to a bar, cause I have never looked my age and well, now I really dont!

I am going to have my 4 extractions soon too. I have spacers in the back and ceramic on the front and 2 metal brackets waiting to be wired in once the extractions are done. Mostly, I havent figured out what to do with my lips and made the mistake of absentmindedly trying to bite into something - ooh my! That wont happen EVER again. Its day 3 and I think my upper lip is finally tired of the foreign objects that have invaided my mouth and is starting to rebel.

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Salt water and ear plugs

#5 Post by wiredkitty »

I've started the salt water washes so they should help. I have the beginnings of an ulcer on the back of my tongue which is from the inside of the bracket on my lower left side. Also can't believe how rough those things are!

I was lying in bed last night thinking up invention to help the pain and I had a great idea. I got a pack of ear plugs (my husband uses them every night cause we live on a busy street) and I cut one of them in half length ways. I placed them in my mouth above the braces (a bit like the dentists do sometimes). I held my lip away from the gum and braces and stayed there all night! Was very comfy as they are just foam. I thought I was very clever! - you all probably just think I'm weird now....

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#6 Post by lionfish »

Not at all, whatever makes things work for you - go for it.

I could have kicked myself for throwing out boxes and boxes of those wax earplugs about 4 years ago. They would sure have come in handy for the old bracket rub problem.

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