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Embracing The Future

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:29 pm
by paralegallsj
Well after months of research, consultations, and wavering back and forth; I finally decided to take the plunge. I found a terriic dentist who was very sympathetic to my needs and concerns.

This website has been so helpful. It was nice to feel like I was not alone. Thanks for all the support you have provided and answering questions.

I am 35 years old and the older i became, the more i hated my smile. I could never afford braces. As a single parent it was all i could do to maintain medical insurance so dental insurance was a luxury i could not afford.

Well I decided earlier this year to bite the bullet and do something for myself for a change. I really hated my smile and felt my teeth were jacked up. i have a lot going on in my mouth. (will posst pictures later).

Today i had my spacers put in and to my surprise it did not hurt a bit. All i felt was pressure (i had taken a motrin and use ambesol on my gums- :lol:

Well next thursday, the 14th is the big day . I will keep you posted

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:46 am
by juf_84
Hello and welcome, paralegallsj :jump:

Take care of yourself with the spacers- hopefully they won't cause you much trouble!

Thank Yous

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:15 pm
by paralegallsj
Thank you for all you support! :lol:
So far the only thing I have been feeling from my spacers is like I have food stuck between my teeth. i am so looking forward to getting my braces. I tried to convince them to put them on after my spacers but no such luck. Well I am counting down the days. I have 1 week left untill I get to embrace the future.

Thanks Again :tingrin:


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:28 pm
by paralegallsj
Okay, I started out with 8 spaces. 2-top left, 2-top right, 2-bottom-left, 2-bottom right. By Sunday I only had 2.

So today I had to have them replaced for my big day Thursday. I had the rubber ones before, but now i have on that is a metal thingy.

I am anxiously waiting and counting down til Thursday. I will keep you guys posted. :lol:

Thank you all for your support.

Tomorrow's The Big Day

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:43 pm
by paralegallsj

Well tomorrow is the big day. I've confirmed my appointment, did my last minute grocery shopping and I am anxiously waiting.......

I am really getting excited right about now. I will let you know how things turn out. I am taking my own digital camera for my pics.

That metal spacer is kind of a nuisance. It is being a pain. But I only have one more day to wear it so i am maintaining.

Counting Down.....14 hours till i am officially braced. :HugeGrin:

Thanks KK

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:12 pm
by paralegallsj
Thanks I bought plenty of lip balm while I was gettting my groceries. :D

This site has been such a blessing. Most of my questions have been answered here.

Thanks for the bathroom reminder........

It's Been 1 Week

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:23 pm
by paralegallsj
Well I have been officially braced for 1 full week. :o

Am I crazy or what? Is it possible that my teeth are moving? I can tell a slight difference in my bite.

I am adjusting to eating but I am always hungry. It's like I am not getting enough to eat.

Keep U Posted